APS Dosimetry Information and FAQs

Table of Contents


The APS Experiment Hall floor is a radiation protection area. All persons must adhere to all posted dosimetry requirements. (Dosimetry is not required in the LOMs.)

Requests for dosimeters must be submitted 72 hours (3 business days) in advance. Do not request a dosimeter unless you are current on General Employee Radiological Training (ESH738). 


Dosimeters are valid for one quarter at a time. Each quarter of the year has a designated dosimeter color. Users must request a dosimeter for each quarter they will be onsite—only one dosimeter per quarter is needed.

When requesting a dosimeter, general users should select "APS General User" as your worker type; your dosimeter will automatically be located at rack UB (next to the User Office). All other worker types may choose a dosimeter delivery rack based on the LOM/sector where you will be working.

Do NOT remove your dosimeter from your lanyard while you are working on the experiment hall floor.

Minors (any person under the age of 18) are not permitted in radiation protection areas, per Argonne policy LMS-POL-59 "Access to Argonne by Minors."

Requesting a Dosimeter: Users, Contractors, and Visitors


Dosimetry Badge
Required for APS?

Request Form

GERT Training Required?


APS Users

YES-individual dosimeter required

External Dosimeter Registration Form (ANL-141)

ANL domain account required 

YES (GERT training link 
can be found here)

  • Users should request a dosimeter only after ensuring that their GERT training is valid for the entire quarter in which the experiment is happening. 
  • Example:  If your experiment is in the month of May (which is in Q2), your GERT training must be valid through June 30. In this example, if your GERT expires June 15, you should re-take GERT before requesting a dosimeter. 
  • You can find your GERT retrain by date in your APS Portal under the My Training tab.
  • Your dosimeter will be delivered to the rack near the APS User Office (rack UB).
  • Users must request a new dosimeter each quarter if you will be returning to APS--your dosimeters are not automatically renewed (see FAQ below for details about calendar quarters).

Argonne Employees
and APS Resident Users

YES-individual dosimeter required

External Dosimeter Registration Form (ANL-141)

ANL domain account required

For first-time dosimeter request only

YES (GERT training link 
can be found here)

  • Ensure you are current on GERT before requesting a dosimeter.
  • GERT training is managed via your Job Hazard Questionnaire (JHQ). Do not allow GERT training to expire.
  • Dosimeters for ANL employees and APS resident users are automatically renewed each quarter--you do not need to enter a new request.

(a full description of access requirements for contractors can be found here)

YES-individual dosimeter required

Dosimeter Initialization

YES (GERT training link 
provided in e-mail upon form submission)

  • Contractors must request a new dosimeter each quarter--your dosimeters are not automatically renewed (see FAQ below for details about calendar quarters).
  • Contractors must also be current with Contractor Safety Orientation (CSO): view the video or read the PDF and then follow the link within CSO sign in sheet.doc. CSO training is valid for one year. Contact your host for details.
Visitors—persons needing access to the experiment hall floor who are NOT conducting an experimentYES-
individual dosimeter required
Dosimeter InitializationYES (GERT training link 
provided in e-mail upon form submission)
  • Visitors​ must request a dosimeter and be current in GERT training. Contact your host for details.
Dosimetry Guidance for TOURS


Dosimetry Badge

Request Form

GERT Training Required?


**Person Escorting a tour: Requesting a tour dosimeter for a Tour Group

YES--tour dosimeter required

Escort Registration for Tour Groups

YES (Employees take GERT in TMS) 

  • Tour size is limited to 10 persons plus the Escort. You will need to provide a list of tour participant names.
  • Escort badge and electronic dosimetry for tour group can be picked up at LOM 431Z after the request is approved.
  • Tour escort cannot use their personal dosimeter for the hosting of a tour.

Tour Participants EXCLUDING
General Public Tours

For a tour, ONLY the Escort wears the tour dosimeter

GERT Training for Tour Participants
Do NOT submit a dosimeter registration after viewing the slides--simply return to the form and submit the information.

YES (GERT training link 
embedded in form) 

Tour Participants:  Includes tour participants who are assisting/contributing/performing work for APS (e.g., advisory or review committee members taking a tour). 

Tour participants do not need individual dosimeters.

Tour Participants
General Public 

For a tour, ONLY the Escort wears the tour dosimeter

No form is required for participants


General Public:  Includes tour participants who are members of the general public (e.g., a member of the press, a group of teachers, etc.)

**Requirements for Escorting a Tour:

The person escorting the tour group must fill out all information found in the Escort link to set up the tour.  Escort will be responsible for picking up Escort tour badge and a tour Electronic Personal Dosimeter (EPD) from APS Health Physics in 431Z.  Tour group will stay with the Escort at all times.  When the tour is finished, Escort will immediately return the EPD to the 431Z Health Physics offices and record cumulative dose on the EPD.  The EPD needs to be returned to the Health Physics offices after each tour instance.

When filling out the "Escort Registration for Tour Groups", you must provide a list of names and e-mails in part 14.


Dosimetry FAQs for APS

I am an APS User. Where do I pick up the dosimeter I have requested?
User dosimeters can be picked up from the rack in the Coat Room just off the Atrium in Bldg. 401 and near the APS User Office on the first floor. This location is called "UB."

You can store your dosimeter and return your dosimeter to any rack, but the initial pick up will always be at UB.

What should I do if I misplace my dosimeter?
Look around for your dosimeter. If you are unable to locate it, notify the APS HP Tech Office in LOM 431Z (see contact information below).

Can a colleague use my dosimeter?
No, dosimeters CANNOT be shared.

Am I allowed to take the dosimeter out of APS or off site or to the Argonne Guest House?
No, your dosimeter should remain on a dosimeter storage rack if you are not using it. You can store your dosimeter on any dosimeter rack that is convenient for your work area.

If I do accidentally take my dosimeter offsite, do I need to report this to anyone?
If you travel by air with your dosimeter, you MUST report to the APS HP Tech Office (see contact information below). Otherwise, you do not need to report taking the dosimeter offsite. Please keep it at APS to prevent this from occurring. 

What are my options for storing my dosimeter while I am onsite at the APS? Dosimeter Rack Locations

  • Employees and resident users: Store your dosimeter at your assigned dosimetry rack. The two-letter code on your dosimeter identifies your assigned rack.
  • APS Users: Store your dosimeter at any rack that is convenient to where you will conduct your work while at APS. (Users do not have to store their dosimeters at the rack near the User Office where they picked them up.)


I’m a user. When my experiment concludes, I will not be returning to APS/Argonne. What should I do with my dosimeter?
Place your dosimeter in the black dosimeter collection boxes located next to the dosimeter racks. Or, place the dosimeter back on the any storage rack.

How long is my current dosimeter valid for?
A dosimeter is valid for one ‘quarter’ at a time. The quarters are:
Q1 = January 1-March 31
Q2 = April 1-June 30
Q3 = July 1-September 30
Q4 = October 1-December 31

To be issued a dosimeter for a quarter, a users' GERT training must be valid for the date span of entire quarter. 

When my experiment concludes, I will be coming back to APS/Argonne later this year. Do I need to request another dosimeter?
If you are leaving APS/Argonne and returning in another calendar quarter, you must request a new dosimeter to use when you return. 


How do I request another dosimeter for another visit?
Use the same process for requesting your next dosimeter (see links above).


How do I contact APS Health Physics for assistance?
Location: LOM 431Z

Phone: 630-252-3418

Hours available: 7: 30 AM - 4:30 PM

Email: Mike Henry (mjhenry@anl.gov) and John Edwards (edwardsj@anl.gov)



When completing GERT, you will have two attempts to complete the exam. After two unsuccessful attempts, please stop and contact Angel Garcia (agarcia@anl.gov) or Morgan Weckbacher (mweckbacherrobeck@anl.gov) to request a third attempt or receive remediation training before another attempt.


To comment on the contents, please contact apsuser@anl.gov or 630-252-9090.