The Advanced Photon Source
a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility

Front End Equipment Protection System (FE-EPS) Trip during User Beam and Machine Studies

System: FE-EPS
Period: Users Beam and machine Studies
Event: FE-EPS Trip

Front End Equipment Protection System (EPS) Fault Reset Procedure:

In the event that FE-EPS trips, Floor Coordinators are allowed to reset the system if the fault occurred as a result of a User vacuum fault, or PS1 closure due to a fault downstream of PS1. If the fault occurred on a differentially pumped (windowless) beamline follow the steps outlined here:

Valve Openings in Differential Pressure (DP) BM and ID Front End Beamlines

If the fault caused the FE-EPS to dump the Storage Ring:

  • If the FE-EPS causes the storage ring to dump during a scheduled run cycle, approval must be obtained from the SI Group on-call staff member before the system can be reset.
  • The following is a list of persons who may perform FE-EPS resets during User Beam once having received approval:
    • SI Group on-call staff member
    • FE-EPS System Engineer
    • On-shift Floor Coordinator
    • On-shift MCR Operator

In the case that the fault did not cause the Storage Ring to dump, DETERMINE THE REASON FOR THE FAULT. If the cause cannot be found, initialize a call-in to the Vacuum Technology engineer before attempting to reset the fault.

EPS Vacuum fault

  1. The floor coordinator will contact both the vacuum group and the SI group on-call engineer.
  2. The vacuum group engineer will attempt to solve the problem from home. If appropriate, they can call the vacuum group on-call technician to come in to fix the problem (i.e., cylinder blow-by) with support also provided by SI group. We will operate by a "30 minute resolve or in" rule. If the problem cannot be resolved from home, the on-call vacuum engineer and on-call SI group engineer will come in. (Understand that an acceptable resolution is that the problem can "wait until morning" if in the judgement of the floor coordinator that is okay in this situation.)
  3. While people are in transit, the floor coordinator will obtain the required management approval and post a Configuration Control Work Permit (CCWP) if work is to be done on a RSS device. An online work request is to be submitted, however verbal approval is acceptable for a call-in situation; work shall not begin until such approval is given.
  4. The floor coordinator will also inform the MCR of the situation.
  5. Everyone performing work in such a situation will remain until check out and approval of the work is completed.

Water fault

  1. The floor coordinator will contact the Mechanical Engineering Group using the AES/ME Call-In List for Front End and Beamline Water Systems and the SI group on-call engineer.
  2. While people are in transit, the floor coordinator will obtain the required management approval and post a CCWP if work is to be done on a RSS device. An online work request is to be submitted, however verbal approval is acceptable for a call-in situation; work shall not begin until such approval is given.
  3. The floor coordinator will also inform the MCR of the situation.
  4. Everyone performing work in such a situation will remain until check out and approval of the work is completed.

FINAL NOTE: the Front End EPS system is directly tied in to the Machine Protection System (MPS) of the Storage Ring. Any problem upstream of or PS1 itself will result in a beam dump. In order to restore the beam, diagnose the problem and make appropriate call-ins so that repairs can be made. Taking a beamline offline cannot rectify this problem.

P. McNamara 05/26/2017