The Advanced Photon Source
a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility

APS-UES Meeting Minutes - 5/15/2015

Attendees: Bruce Glagola, Bruno Fieramosca, Clay White, Nena Moonier, Wendy VanWingeren, Shane Flood, Dean Wyncott, and Patti Pedergnana

Guest: APS Lab Director, Stephen Streiffer and HR Representative Tona Kunz

Bruce Glagola

  • Bruce reminded the group to update their RSS pictures in the Beamline Component Database.
  • There was an arc flash at LANL.Bruce reminded the group of electrical safety.
  • From the group leader meeting, voluntary retirees will be leaving between mid-May and June 1st.Involuntary reduction of force should be concluded by mid-June.
  • There will be a functional area review on Satellite Waste Accumulation Areas next week.
  • ISM day will be Thursday, June 18th, with housekeeping being the focus.
  • We will have our group outing on Thursday, May 21st.

Clay White

  • Clay discovered the 0808 phone shuts itself off, not due to putting the phone in a pocket.He is getting a list of android phones to choose from.