AES-UES Meeting Minutes - 1/20/2015

Attendees: Bruce Glagola, Bruno Fieramosca, Wendy VanWingeren, Clay White, Shane Flood, Dean Wyncott, and Patti Pedergnana

Bruce Glagola

  • 35-BM’s PS1 is going to be locked in the open position until a part arrives and the shutter can be worked on.We should not attempt to close this PS1 via EPICS as this will cause a PSS fault and SR beam dump.We will post an AR for this unique scenario.
  • There is no update on the end budget for the APS.
  • ESAF submittals have started.

Bruno Fieramosca

  • Bruno met with employees of the Canadian Light Source yesterday.They asked about ventilation systems at the APS.
  • Bruno discussed the SR fire alarm due to ANL-FD smoke detector testing.
  • National Elevator will be here on January 22nd, or earlier if possible.
  • Ron Moore is filling in for Glenn Kailus in the short term.
Clay White
  • Ivan Kuzmenko needs the 9-ID-B branch shielded beam transport to be moved inboard.Julie Cross will be reviewing this proposed work today.The beamline is designed to be moved over, it should be fairly simple work.
  • 11-ID’s beam transport has been taken apart.The shutter should be moved tomorrow and S&A taking measurements after.
  • Scott from grounds will come out right away for icy conditions outside.He can be contacted at (708) 310-1776.
Wendy VanWingeren
  • The SR and Zones B-F were walked through yesterday.
  • The Pre-Run Briefing will be Monday, February 1st, at 1400 in the 438 conference room.

Patti Pedergnana

  • Marvin Kirchenbaum and Johnson Controls will be recommissioning BioCARS HVAC tomorrow morning.
  • HP-CAT has their Three-Year Sector Safety Review tomorrow.
Dean Wyncott
  • 35-ID is going to build a clean room from outside of the B station to downstream the C station.The control area will move down to the end of 35-ID-C.