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LS Notes


LS-377 Wiggler-Based Microbunching Amplifier in the Case of a Large Wiggler Parameter K A. Zholents, C. Hall LS-376 Isochronous Lattice Design Study for Cooling Insertion in the Electron Storage Ring A. Zholents, C. Hall LS-375 Quadrupole Wiggler for a Collinear Wakefield Accelerator M. Qian, M. Kasa, J. Xu, S. Doran, S. Lee, S. Sorsher, N. Strelnikov, E. Trakhtenberg, A. Zholents LS-374 Visual Observation of Large Volumetric Growth After High Temperature Brazing in the Electroformed Transition Section Kamleshkumar Suthar,Gary Navrotski,Alexander Zholents LS-372 Obtaining Picosecond X-ray Pulses from Fourth Generation Synchrotron Light Sources Xiaobiao Huang, James Safranek, and Alexander Zholents LS-371 Magnetic Cross-Talk Simulation Between Q6 and M2 Magnets of APS-U Melike Abliz LS-370 Magnetic Crosstalk Between the Q1 and Pulsed Septum Magnet of the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade (APS-U) Melike Abliz LS-369 Enlarged Aperture and Revised Design of the Vertical Septum Magnet that Cancels Both Bx and By Leakage Field Melike Abliz,Michael Borland,James Kerby LS-368 Magnetic Crosstalk Between the Q1, FS1, and Q2 Magnets in the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade Lattice Melike Abliz,Michael Borland,James Kerby LS-367 Fabrication and Testing of Corrugated Waveguides for a Collinear Wakefield Accelerator A. Siy, N. Behdad, J. Booske, M. Fedurin, W. Jansma, K. Kusche, S. Lee, A. Nassiri, S. Sorsher, K. Suthar, E. Trakhtenberg, G. Waldschmidt, A. Zholents LS-366 A Compact Hybrid Planar Permanent Magnet Undulator Design for a 14-mm Period Undulator for the Advanced Photon Source Melike Abliz LS-365 Simple Formula to Determine the Parameters of X-Y Emittance Exchange Kwang-Je Kim LS-364 Distorted Optical Axis in Closed Cavity Kwang-Je Kim LS-363 Vacuum Feedthrough Options for APS-Upgrade Nanofocusing KB Mirror UHV Chamber Design Deming Shu,Steven Kearney,Jayson Anton,Sheikh Mashrafi LS-362 Magnetic Design Calculations for a Center Canting Magnet between Two Superconducting Undulators, rev. 1 Elizabeth Moog LS-361 Stochastic Cooling of Electrons and Positrons Alexander Zholents, Luca Rebuffi, and Xianbo Shi LS-360 A Compact Hybrid Planar Permanent Magnet Undulator Design for a 13.5-mm Period Undulator for the Advanced Photon Source Upgrade Project Melike Abliz LS-359 Spectral and Magnetic Performance of Two New Short-Period Undulators for Sector 30 Roger Dejus LS-358 Tuning Method for Hybrid Planar Permanent Magnet Undulators Using Side Shims Melike Abliz LS-357 Magnetic Force Verification Method for a Planar Undulator Melike Abliz LS-356 Symplectic Integration in elegant, rev. 1 Michael Borland LS-355 A Method of Optimizing the Demagnetization Field of an Undulator Melike Abliz LS-354 Simulated Field Multipoles of the APS-U 28-mm Period Undulator Melike Abliz LS-353 Septum Magnet Design for the APS-U M. Abliz, M. Jaski, M. Borland, J. Kerby LS-352 Magnetic Design of the 28-mm Period Undulator for the APS-U M. Abliz, J. Grimmer, M. Ramanathan, and J. Kerby LS-351 Stability Condition for Drive Bunch in a Collinear Wake Field Accelerator Stanislav Baturin and Alexander Zholents LS-350 Magnetic Design of the 27-mm Period Undulator for the APS-U M. Abliz, J. Grimmer, M. Ramanathan, and J. Kerby LS-349 Magnetic Cross-talk Simulation between Q2 and L-bend Magnets of APS-U M. Abliz, M. Jaski, A. Jain, M. Borland, G. Decker, and J. Kerby LS-348 Comparison of Achievable Magnetic Fields with Superconducting and Cryogenic Permanent Magnet Undulators – A Comprehensive Study of Computed and Measured Values, rev. 1 E.R. Moog, R.J. Dejus, S. Sasaki LS-347 Efficiency of Horizontal Monochromators for APS-U Beamlines Timothy Graber LS-346 Upper Limit for the Acceleration Gradient in the Collinear Wake Field Accelerator as a Function of the Transformer Ratio Stanislav Baturin and Alexander Zholents LS-345 Transient Vibration Noise at 16-ID from Vehicle Traffic Through Access Tunnel Steven Kearney and Deming Shu LS-344 A Survey of Floor Vibration Noise at all Sectors in the APS Experiment Hall Steven Kearney and Deming Shu LS-343 Ambient Vibration Measurement for APS Floor at Sectors 29, 26, 23, and 21 Jayson Anton, Steven Kearney, and Deming Shu LS-342 Ambient Vibration Measurement for APS 32‐ID‐C Floor, Table, and Sample Stages Jayson Anton, Steven Kearney, Vincent De Andrade, Alex Deriy, and Deming Shu LS-341 A New Possibility for Production of Sub-picosecond X-ray Pulses using a Time Dependent Radio Frequency Orbit Deflection A. A. Zholents LS-340 New Design for a 27-mm Period Undulator for the MBA Lattice Melike Abliz, John Grimmer, and Isaac Vasserman LS-339 Calculated Shims’ Signatures with the 17.2 mm Period New Undulator Melike Abliz, Isaac Vasserman LS-338 X-band RF Driven FEL Driver with Optics Linearization Yipeng Sun, Paul Emma, Tor Raubenheimer, and Juhao Wu LS-337 Preliminary Expected Performance Characteristics of an APS Multi-Bend Achromat Lattice Michael Borland for the APS Upgrade Team LS-336 A Method of Optimizing Field Roll-Off and the Peak Field of Hybrid Planar Undulators Melike Abliz, Isaac Vasserman LS-335 Design Considerations for the Free-Electron Laser with the Self-Seeding and Current-Enhanced SASE Alexander Zholents LS-334 Grand Challenge Science on Diffraction-Limited Storage Rings . LS-333 A Proposal for a Generation of Two-color Ultra-short X-ray Pulses Alexander Zholents LS-332 A Compact Soft X-ray Free-Electron Laser Facility based on a Dielectric Wakefield Accelerator C. Jing, P. Schoessow, A. Kanareykin, J.G. Power, R. Lindberg, A. Zholents, P. Piot LS-331 Magnetic Field Analysis of Helical Undulators Suk Hong Kim LS-330 Explicit Formulas for 2nd-order Driving Terms due to Sextupoles and Chromatic Effects of Quadrupoles Chun-xi Wang LS-329 Resistive Wall Heating Due to Image Current on the Beam Chamber for a Superconducting Undulator Suk Hong Kim LS-327 A New Type of Bunch Compressor and Seeding of a Short Wave Length Coherent Radiation A.A. Zholents, M.S. Zolotorev LS-326 Dielectric Wakefield Accelerator to Drive the Future FEL Light Source C. Jing, J. Power, and A. Zholents LS-325 Comments on: "Proposal for Raman x-ray free electron laser" by Ph. Balcou, Eur. Phys. J. D 59, 525 A. Zholents and M. Zolotorev LS-324 An Equivalent Circuit Model and Power Calculations for the APS SPX Crab Cavities Tim Berenc LS-323 A Wide Bandwidth Free-Electron Laser with Mode Locking Using Current Modulation E. Kur, D.J. Dunning, B.W.J. McNeil, J. Wurtele, A.A. Zholents LS-322 Soft X-ray Femtosecond Coherent Synchrotron Radiation in a Storage Ring A.A. Zholents, C. Evain, M.E. Couprie, A. Nadji, A. Loulergue, and J.M. Filhol LS-321 Next-Generation X-ray Free-Electron Lasers Alexander Zholents LS-320 Electron Beam-Based Sources of Ultrashort X-ray Pulses Alexander Zholents LS-319 Multi-objective Direct Optimization of Dynamic Acceptance and Lifetime for Potential Upgrades of the Advanced Photon Source M. Borland, V. Sajaev, L. Emery, and A. Xiao LS-318 How Many IVUs Can We Install without Sacrificing 16-mA Operation? Yong-Chul Chae LS-317 A Low-Emittance APS Lattice with Alternating Horizontal Beta Functions at Insertion Devices Michael Borland LS-316 Possibility of Splitting APS Dipoles to Make More ID Straights Michael Borland LS-315 Symmetric Long Straight Section Lattices for 2, 4, and 8 Sectors Michael Borland LS-314 On-Axis Brilliance and Power of In-Vacuum Undulators for the Advanced Photon Source R. Dejus, M. Jaski, and S.H. Kim LS-313 Short-Period APPLE II Undulator for Generating 12-15 keV X-Rays at the Advanced Photon Source R. Dejus and S. Sasaki LS-312 User's Manual for Pelegant Y. Wang, M. Borland, and R. Soliday LS-311 Achievable Magnetic Fields of Super-Ferric Helical Undulators for the ILC Suk Hong Kim LS-310 A Novel High-Resolution Alignment Technique for XFEL Using Undulator X-ray Beams B. Yang and H. Friedsam LS-309 Design Calculations for the Advanced Photon Source Safety Shutters P.K. Job and B.J. Micklich LS-308 ACIS Design Compliance with Principal Accelerator Safety Interlock Design Requirements Martin Knott LS-307 Operation of the APS Photoinjector Drive Laser System, rev. 1 Yuelin Li LS-306 Canted-Undulator Front-End Exit-Mask Flow-Induced Vibration Measurements J.T. Collins, C.L. Doose, J.N. Attig, and M.M. Baehl LS-305 Towards Advanced Electron Beam Brightness Enhancement and Conditioning K.-J. Kim (ed.), B. Carlsten, D. Dowell, K. Flöttmann, K. Jensen, J. Petillo, A. Sessler, and G. Stupakov LS-304 Effect of Emittance and rms Phase Error on Angular Flux Density and Pinhole Flux--A Simulation Study of Two Undulators at 10.5 mm Gap Including Very High Harmonics Roger Dejus LS-303 Generation of Bright, Tunable, Polarized Gamma-Ray Sources by Scattering Laser Pulses from APS Electron Beams Y. Li, Y. Chae, L. Emery, Z. Huang, K. Harkay, J. Lewellen, S.V. Milton, and V. Sajaev LS-302 Eddy-Current-Induced Multipole Field Calculations Nicholas Sereno,Suk Hong Kim LS-301 Analysis of Short-Bunch Production with the APS Booster and a Bunch Compressor Michael Borland LS-300 Evaluation of Rosenbaum's Proposal for Locally Increasing the Effective Vertical Emittance of the APS Beam Michael Borland,Louis Emery,Nicholas Sereno LS-299 Eigenmodes in Two Simplified Chamber Structures Studied for Spurious Microwaves in the APS Storage Ring Beam Chamber X. Sun and G. Decker LS-298 Linac-Augmented Light Sources: An Incremental Concept for Enhancing the Capabilities of Existing 3rd-Generation Storage Rings J.W. Lewellen LS-297 Booster Subharmonic RF Capture Design Nicholas Sereno LS-296 Vector Network Analyzer Techniques to Measure WR340 Waveguide Windows Terry Smith LS-295 Radiological Considerations for the Operation of the Advanced Photon Source Storage Ring H.J. Moe LS-294 Neutron Fluence Estimates Inside the APS Storage Ring During Normal Operation P.K. Job and J. Alderman LS-293 Determination and Correction of the Linear Lattice of the APS Storage Ring Vadim Sajaev,Louis Emery LS-292 Direct-Drive and Eddy-Current Septum Magnets Suk Hong Kim LS-291 Calculation of Pulsed Kicker Magnetic Field Attenuation Inside Beam Chambers Suk Hong Kim LS-290 Radiation-Induced Demagnetization of Nd-Fe-B Permanent Magnets J. Alderman, P.K. Job, R.C. Martin, C.M. Simmons, G.D. Owen, and J. Puhl LS-289 Modeling Transverse Orbit Feedback Control C. Schwartz LS-288 Irradiation of Nd-Fe-B Permanent Magnets with APS Bending Magnet X-rays and Co gamma-rays J. Alderman, P.K. Job, and J. Puhl LS-287 elegant: A Flexible SDDS-Compliant Code for Accelerator Simulation Michael Borland LS-286 A Simple Method for Simulation of Coherent Synchrotron Radiation in a Tracking Code Michael Borland LS-285 Quadrupole Magnetic Center Definition Using the Hall Probe Measurement Technique Isaac Vasserman LS-284 Long-Term Stability of the APS Storage Ring H. Friedsam, M. Penicka, J. Error LS-283 Radiation Dose Measurements of the Insertion Devices, rev. 1 J. Alderman, E. Semones, and P.K. Job LS-282 Short Note on Undulator Alignments and Beam Tolerances Roger Dejus,Isaac Vasserman LS-281 Introduction to Lie Operators for Accelerator Physics Y. Eidelman LS-280 Benchmark and Comparisons of FEL Simulation Programs TDA3D and GENESIS Y.-C. Chae and S.V. Milton LS-279 Retuning the APS Storage Ring for Better Chromaticity Correction Y.-C. Chae and E.A. Crosbie LS-278 Calculating BPM Coefficients with Green's Reciprocation Theorem Suk Hong Kim LS-277 Maximum Let-Through Currents in the APS Storage Ring Quadrupole, Sextupole, and Corrector Magnets J. Carwardine, D. McGhee, G. Markovich LS-276 Radiological Considerations for Top-Up Operation of the Storage Ring H.J. Moe LS-275 Lifetime Studies at the APS A. Ropert, ESRF LS-274 Four-Button BPM Coefficients in Cylindrical and Elliptic Beam Chambers Suk Hong Kim LS-273 Introduction to the Measurement of Noise with Application to Particle Accelerator Beam Stabilization Glenn Decker LS-272 Radiological Considerations in the Operation of the Low-Energy Undulator Test Line (LEUTL) H.J. Moe LS-271 Quantum Fluctuations in Beam Dynamics Kwang-Je Kim LS-270 The Equation of Motion of an Electron K.-J. Kim and A.M. Sessler LS-269 Dose Measurements of Bremsstrahlung-Produced Neutrons at the Advanced Photon Source M. Pisharody, E. Semones and P.K. Job LS-268 Longitudinal Instability Studies at the SURF II Storage Ring at NIST Katherine Harkay,Nicholas Sereno LS-267 Modeling Studies on the Low ß Lattice A. Ropert, ESRF LS-266 Optimization of Four-Button Beam Position Monitor Configuration for Small-gap Vacuum Chambers Suk Hong Kim LS-265 Vibrational Measurements in 3-ID-B J. Sutter, E. Alp, J. Barraza, D. Shu LS-264 Investigations on the Possible Beneficial Effects of a Centered Orbit on the Performance of the Low Beta-y Lattice A. Ropert, ESRF LS-263 Vibration Characteristics of An APS LAB Facility in Building 401 T. J. Royston LS-262 'Maximal Credible Accident' Simulation Studies at the Storage Ring of the APS G. Decker, A.L. Justus, P.K. Job, H. . Moe, J.H. Vacca, V.R. Veluri LS-261 Analysis of Ultra-Relativistic Charged Particle Beam and Stretched Wire Measurement Interactions with Cylindrically Symmetric Structures C. Deibele LS-260 Measurement of Gas Bremsstrahlung from the Insertion Device Beamlines of the Advanced Photon Source M. Pisharody, P.K. Job, S. Magill, J. Proudfoot, and R. Stanek LS-259 Evaluation of the RF SCR Cabinet Design and Proposed Solution Philosophy Gregory Markovich LS-258 Signal-to-Noise Ratio of Intensity Interferometry Experiments with Highly Asymmetric X-ray Sources Y.P. Feng, I. McNulty, Z. Xu, and E. Gluskin LS-257 APS Linac Klystron and Accelerating Structure Gain Measurements and Klystron PFN Voltage Regulation Requirements Nicholas Sereno LS-256 Ozone Mitigation Tests at the APS T.M. Kuzay, J.T. Collins, M. Pisharody, P.K. Job, and Z. Wang LS-255 Deformation Measurements at the Vehicle Tunnel Overpass using a Hydrostatic Level System H. Friedsam, J. Penicka, J. Error LS-254 TIG Welding of aluminum Alloys for the APS Storage Ring--A UHV Application George Goeppner LS-253 A Shimming Technique for Improvement of the Spectral Performance of APS Undulator A I. Vasserman LS-252 The Extended Touschek Lifetime H.M. Bizek LS-251 Beam Transport Radiation Shielding for Branch Lines 2-ID-B and 2-ID-C Y.P. Feng, B. Lai, I. McNulty, R.J. Dejus, K.J. Randall, and W. Yun LS-250 High-Heat-Load Synchrotron Tests of Room-Temperature, Silicon Crystal Monochromators at the CHESS F-2 Wiggler Station W.K. Lee, P.B. Fernandez, T. Graber, and L. Assoufid LS-249 Silicon Bonding Techniques for X-Ray Optics Patricia Fernandez LS-248 Variable Input Coupler Design for Storage Ring Cavities Y.W. Kang and R.L. Kustom LS-247 Measurement of Input Coupler Matching of a Loaded Storage Ring Single-Cell Cavity J.W. Cho, Y. Kang LS-246 Report on Quadrupole and Dipole Sorting for the APS Booster Synchrotron R.K. Koul LS-245 A Comparison of an Elliptical Multipole Wiggler and Crystal Optics for the Production of Circularly Polarized X-rays J. C. Lang, G. Srajer, and R. Dejus LS-244 Some Thoughts on an Eddy Current Septum Magnet K. Halbach LS-243 Dose Rate Estimates in the First Optical Enclosure due to Particle Beam Loss in the Insertion Device Transition Region During Injection P.K. Job and H.J. Moe LS-242 Longitudinal Coupling Impedance of a Hole in the Accelerator Beam Pipe Yong-Chul Chae LS-241 Measurements of Ground Motion and Magnetic Vibrations at the APS Vladimir Shiltsev LS-240 Identification of Root Cause of Vibration of a Liquid-Gallium-Cooled Silicon Monochromator and Recommendations for Abatement S. S. Chen, S. Zhu, M. W. Wambsganss, J. A. Jendrzejczyk, and W. K. Lee LS-239 The Effect of Incident Angle on the Shielding Thickness for Secondary Bremsstrahlung D. R. Haeffner and P. K. Job LS-238 High-Heat-Load Studies of Silicon and Diamond Monochromators Using the APS/CHESS Prototype Undulator D. M. Mills, W.-K. Lee, R. K. Smither, P. B. Fernandez LS-237 Explosion Bonding of Dissimilar Materials for Fabricating APS Front End Components--Analysis of Metallurgical and Mechanical Properties and UHV Applications Yuheng Li, Deming Shu, and Tuncer M. Kuzay LS-236 Review of Window and Filter Requirements for Commissioning of the Advanced Photon Source Insertion Device Beamlines Tuncer M. Kuzay and Zhibi Wang LS-235 SRI CAT Sector 1 Bending Magnet Beamline Description G. Srajer, B. Rodricks, L. Assoufid, and D. M. Mills LS-234 Comparison of the APS and UGIMAG Helmholtz Coil Systems David W. Carnegie LS-233 Electromagnetic Field Analysis of Septum Magnet for APS Positron Accumulator Ring Toshiaki Yokoi and Larry Turner LS-232 Tests on Conducted Electrical Noise on a Storage Ring DC-DC Converter Cabinet John Carwardine LS-231 User's Manual for elegant, Program Version 12.4, Manual Version 1 Michael Borland LS-230 Linearized Error Analysis for an Accelerator and Application to the APS Injector Synchrotron R. K. Koul and F. E. Mills LS-229 The APS Beamline Front End Vacuum System R. W. Nielsen LS-228 General Design of the Layout for the Advanced Photon Source Beamline Front Ends D. Shu, T. M. Kuzay LS-227 Interlock and Control Systems for a Sector at the APS Nahum Friedman LS-226 APS Storage Ring Vacuum Chamber Section 1 Evaluation R. Benaroya, B. Roop LS-225 RF Characteristics of the APS Storage Ring Isolation Valve J. J. Song LS-224 Cable Tracking System Proposal Nahum Friedman LS-223 RF Impedance Measurement Calibration P. J. Matthews, J. J. Song LS-222 Magnetic Measurements of the Wedge-Pole Prototype Undulator I. Vasserman, J. Pflüger, E. Gluskin LS-221 Diffusion in Phase Space K. Symon LS-220 Survey and Alignment Report on The Primary Control Network for the APS H. Friedsam, M. Penicka, S. Zhao LS-219 Design of 118 MHz Twelfth Harmonic Cavity of APS PAR Y. W. Kang, R. L. Kustom, J. F. Bridges LS-218 Fundamental Mode RF Power Dissipated in a Waveguide Attached to an Accelerating Cavity Y. W. Kang LS-217 Thermal and Structural Behavior of Filters and Windows for Synchrotron X-ray Sources Z. Wang, U. Hahn, R. Dejus, T. Kuzay LS-216 Feasibility of Using a High Power CO2 Laser as an Alternative Source to Test High Heat Load X-ray Optics Patricia Fernandez LS-215 Diamond Monochromator for High Heat Flux Synchrotron X-ray Beams A. M. Khounsary, R. K. Smither, S. Davey, A. Purohit LS-214 Fourth-Integral Resonance Study on Aladdin at SRC J. Liu, E. Crosbie, L. Teng, J. Bridges, D. Ciarlette, K. Symon, W. Trzeciak LS-213 Global DC Closed Orbit Correction Experiment on the NSLS X-ray Ring Y. Chung, G.Decker, K. Evans LS-212 Frequency Measurement of the Prototype Storage Ring Stainless Steel Single Cell Cavity E.A. Reisinger LS-211 Reduced Length Design of 9.8 MHz APS/PAR Accelerator Cavity Y. W. Kang, R. L. Kustom, J. F. Bridges LS-210 Global Coupling and Decoupling of the APS Storage Ring Y.-C. Chae, Jianyang Liu, L.C. Teng LS-209 Effect of Vacuum Chamber Eddy Current and Compensation by Digital Feedback Y. Chung LS-208 Thermo-Mechanical Parametric Studies of Fixed Mask 1 and Photon Shutter 2 for APS Front Ends H. L. T. Nian, T. M. Kuzay, and I. C. A. Sheng LS-207 Interpolation of Hall Probe Calibration Data D.W. Carnegie LS-206 Emittance, Brilliance, and Bandpass Issues Related to an Inclined Crystal Monochromator A.T. Macrander, D. R. Haeffner, P. L. Cowan LS-205 Thermo-Mechanical Optimization of Photon Shutter 1 for APS Front Ends H.L.T. Nian, T. M. Kuzay, I. C. A. Sheng LS-204 Thermo-Mechanical Optimization of Fixed Mask 2 for APS Front Ends H.L.T. Nian, T. M. Kuzay, I. C. A. Sheng LS-203 Fundamental Mode Frequency of the Storage Ring Single Cell Cavity Yoon W. Kang LS-202 Digital Signal Processing for Beam Position Feedback Y. Chung, L. Emery, J. Kirchman LS-201 Experimental Study of Coupling Impedance Part 1-Longitudinal Impedance Measurement Techniques J. Song LS-200 Effect of Eddy Current in the Laminations on the Magnet Field Y. Chung and J. Galayda LS-199 Quasi-static Thermoelastic Analysis for a Semi-Infinite Plane Subjected to a Gaussian Heat Source-Beam Missteering of the Storage Ring in APS I.C. Sheng and J. Howell LS-198 Power Distributions of the APS Bending Magnets and Insertion Devices A.M. Khounsary and B. Lai LS-197 Preliminary Cleaning Tests on Candidate Materials for APS Beamline and Front End UHV Components R. Nielsen and T.M. Kuzay LS-196 Preliminary Study of Insertion Device Effect on Dynamic Aperture using RACETRACK Y. Chae and E. Crosbie LS-195 Automatic ID Head Load Generation in ANSYS Code Z. Wang LS-194 Mode Identification & Cavity Stretching for the Prototype Storage Ring Cavity Terry Smith LS-193 BPM Button Characterization for Offset Calibration Y. Chung LS-192 An Integrated Bremsstrahlung Safety Shutter and Collimator Designed for the APS Front End Operating in the Top-Up Mode D. Shu, T. Sanchez, T. Kuzay LS-191 Nomenclature and Name Assignment Rules for the APS Storage Ring Glenn Decker LS-190 Development of General Purpose Data Acquisition Shell (GPDAS) Y. Chung and K. Kim LS-189 Thermal and Mechanical Measurements of the Prototype SR Quadrupole F. Lopez LS-188 Specification of the Power Supply for a 6-Pole Combined Horizontal and Vertical Corrector Magnet Louis Emery LS-187 APS Beamline Standard Components Handbook U. Hahn, D. Shu, and T. Kuzay LS-186 Cavity Design and Beam Simulations for the APS RF Gun Michael Borland LS-185 Power Supply Control Units for APS Ring Magnets O. Despe LS-184 Selected Publications Related to the Experimental Facilities of the Advanced Photon Source Multiple Authors LS-183 Difference Resonance Study on the Electron Storage Ring at SRC Aladdin J. Liu, E. Crosbie, L. Teng, J. Bridges, K. Symon, W. Trzeciak LS-182 Operational Aspects of Experimental Accelerator Physics Glenn Decker LS-181 Power Supplies for Injector Synchrotron Quadrupoles and Sextupoles M. Fathizadeh LS-180 Proposal for Upgrading the Radiation Safety of X-Ray Labs Nahum Friedman LS-179 The Effect of Small Ellipsoidal Material on the Resonant Frequency of a Cavity J. Bridges (for T. Khoe) LS-178 A New Monochromator for High Heat Load Synchrotron X-Ray Radiation A.K. Khounsary LS-177 Loss Parameter Calculations J. Cook LS-176 Specification of APS Corrector Magnet Power Supplies from Closed Orbit Feedthrough Considerations Louis Emery,Glenn Decker LS-175 Magnetic Measurement Data of the 0.8-m Prototype Quadrupole Magnets for the APS Storage Ring S. Kim LS-174 Positron Accumulator Ring (PAR) Power Supply M. Fathizadeh LS-173 Radial and Tangential Winding Coil Probes for Sextupole Magnet Measurements S. Kim LS-172 Cleaning of Aluminum after Machining with Coolants B. Roop LS-171 Magnet Measurement-Interfacing to the G-64 Euro Standard Bus and Testing G-64 Modules R. Hogrefe LS-170 Pulsed Power Supply for Three APS Septum Magnets D. McGhee LS-169 Correction Magnet Power Supplies for APS Machine Y. Kang LS-168 Design of Kicker Magnet and Power Supply Unit for Synchrotron Beam Ju Wang LS-167 Tangential Winding Coil Probes for Dipole, Quadrupole and Sextupole Magnet Measurements S. Kim LS-166 A Radial Coil Probe for Quadrupole Magnet Measurements S. Kim LS-165 Stopping Power and Scattering Angle Calculations of Charged Particle Beam Through Thin Foils Alireza Nassiri LS-164 Synchrotron Power Supply Light Source Note M. Fathizadeh LS-163 The APS Transfer Line from Linac to Injector Synchrotron R.K. Koul LS-162 Steering Magnets and BPM's in the High Energy Transfer Line R.K. Koul LS-161 Specification of a Prototype Zone Plate for Focusing Hard X-Rays W.B. Yun, J. Chrzas and P.J. Viccaro LS-160 APS Storage Ring Vacuum Chamber Tests for Dimensional Stability After Bakeout Cycling While Under Vacuum R. Wehrle and R. Nielsen LS-159 Pulsed Power Supply for PAR Injection/Extraction Septum Magnet D. McGhee LS-158 Arbitrary Function Generator for APS Synchrotron Correction Magnets O. Despe LS-157 3-D Computer Simulations of EM Fields in the APS Vacuum Chamber W. Chou and J. Bridges LS-156 Design of Kicker/Bumper Magnet and PFN for PAR J. Wang and G.J. Volk LS-155 3-D Computer Simulations of EM Fields in the APS Vacuum Chamber W. Chou LS-154 The Linac Injector for the ANL 7 GeV Advanced Photon Source A. Nassiri, W. Wesolowski, and G. Mavrogenes LS-153 The Team Workshops: A Short History L. Turner LS-152 Analysis of a Third-Order Sum Resonance K. Symon LS-151 Results of Design Calculations for the Modulator of the Crossed Field Undulator Device R. Savoy LS-150 Study of Transverse Loss Factor for the Tapered Sections in the APS Storage Ring H. Bizek and W. Chou LS-149 The Method of Boundary Perturbation, and Its Application to Wakefield Calculations Weiren Chou LS-148 Compensation for the Eddy Current Effect in the APS Storage Ring Vacuum Chamber Y. Chung LS-147 APS Control System Operating System Choice M. Knott, M. Kraimer, and F. Lenkszus LS-146 A Preliminary Analysis of the APS Crotch Design Ali Khounsary LS-145 Standard Symbols for 'Units of Measure' Yeldez Amer LS-144 The Effects of Photon Spectrum and Variable Thermal Conductivity on the Distribution of Temperature in an Inclined Plate Crotch Absorber M. Choi LS-143 A Study of Heat Transfer for Two Layered Composite Inclined Plate Crotch Absorbers M. Choi LS-142 Revised Lattice for the APS Storage Ring E. A. Crosbie LS-141 Advanced Photon Source: Radiological Design Considerations H.J. Moe LS-140 Negative Transverse Impedance W. Chou LS-139 Dose Estimates for the 1104 m APS Storage Ring H. J. Moe LS-138 A Note on Thermal Analysis for an Inclined Plate Crotch Absorber M. Choi LS-137 Procurement History of the Hybrid Undulator for the U-5 Beam Line at the National Synchrotron Light Source P. J. Viccaro, D. C. James, and S. D. Bader LS-136 Ambient Ground Motion at the 7 GeV Site at Argonne National Laboratory over Extended Time Periods J. A. Jendrzejczyk, Z. Nagy, and R. K. Smith LS-135 Silicon Crystal Surface Temperature: Computation and Radiometric Studies A. M. Khounsary, T. M. Kuzay, and G.A. Forster LS-134 Theoretical Estimation of the Dynamic Aperture for a Chasman-Green Lattice E. A. Crosbie LS-133 Specification of Multipole Tolerances for the APS Quadrupole Magnet S. L. Kramer LS-132 Analysis of the Walkinshaw Difference Resonance K. Symon LS-131 Analysis of a Third-Integral Resonance K. Symon LS-130 The Geometry of Cohesive Magnet-Coil Winding J. M. Cook LS-129 Surface Measurements of Shear Wave Velocity at the 7-GeV APS Site J. A. Jendrzejczyk and M. W. Wambsganss LS-128 ANSYS Program and Re-validation of the Thermal Analysis of the Cornell Silicon Crystal T. Kuzay and A. Khounsary LS-127 Perturbation Analysis of the Octupole-induced Resonances in a Storage Ring M. Yoon LS-126 The Second-Order Tune Shift with Amplitude for Octupole-induced Resonances in Storage Ring M. Yoon LS-125 Mode Selection and Boundary Conditions Using MAFIA in Frequency-Domain Y. Jin LS-124 Computations Predicting rf Cavity Characteristics Y. Jin and G. Nicholls LS-123 Losses of Vacuum-Chamber Full-Penetration Weldments W. Chou and R. Sherman LS-122 The Focusing Properties of the Positron-Capture Solenoidal Lens and LS-122 Errata M. Yoon and G. Mavrogenes LS-119 The APS Beam Transfer Line from Linac to Booster Synchrotron M. Yoon and E. Crosbie LS-118 The Positron Injection Process for the 7-GeV Advanced Photon Source E. Crosbie LS-117 Dose Estimates for the Heavy Concrete Ratchet Wall Configuration M. J. Knott and H. J. Moe LS-116 Recalculation of Shielding for the Addition of a PAR H. J. Moe LS-115 Impedance Studies: Part 4 The APS Impedance Budget W. Chou and Y. Jin LS-114 Impedance Studies: Part 3 Transverse-Loss Compensation W. Chou and Y. Jin LS-112 Impedance Studies: Part 1 A Composition Rule W. Chou and Y. Jin LS-111 Ambient Ground Motion Measurements at Argonne Laboratory Over Extended Time Periods J. A. Jendrzejczyk, M. W. Wambsganss, and R. K. Smith LS-110 Feasibility Study into the Use of Mechanical Choppers to Alter the Natural Time Structure of the APS D. M. Mills LS-109 A Positron Accumulator Ring for APS E. A. Crosbie LS-108 A Front End Design for the Advanced Photon Source P. J. Viccaro LS-107 More Thoughts on the Aladdin Experiments K. Symon LS-106 Tune Shifts Caused by Horizontal Closed Orbit Deviations in Sextupoles S. Ohnuma LS-105 Comments on the Linear Transverse Coupling S. Ohnuma LS-104 Correction of Closed Orbit Distortions in the Horizontal Direction S. Ohnuma LS-103 Undulator Performance on PEP Storage Ring with Different Optics G. K. Shenoy, P. J. Viccaro, and E. E. Alp LS-102 Preliminary Thoughts on the Aladdin Experiments K. Symon LS-101 Global Orbit Corrections K. Symon LS-100 A Study of Closed Orbit Distortions and their Correction for the APS Y. Jin and S. L. Kramer LS-99 Mean Temperature Rise in a Target K. Symon LS-98 The Eigenvalue Problem for an N-Sector Ring K. Symon LS-97 Building Utilities for 7 GeV Advanced Photon Source Based on Maximum Component Design of 7.7 GeV D. G. McGhee LS-96 Higher Harmonic rf System for APS S. Kramer LS-95 An Analytical Estimation of the RMS Tune Shifts due to Magnet Imperfections W. Chou LS-92 A Tabulation of Significant Changes Made to the Design of the Advanced Photon Source (APS) Between February 1986 and March 1987 Martin Knott LS-91 Distribution of the Synchrotron Radiation from Bending Magnets S. Kim LS-90 Shielding Estimates for the ANL Advanced Photon Source H. J. Moe and V. R. Veluri LS-89 Vibration Survey of IPNS Beam Line Magnets and Experiment Hall J. A. Jendrzejczyk, R. K. Smith, and M. W. Wambsganss LS-88 Emittance Growth due to Ground Motions W. Chou LS-87 Static and Dynamic Emittance Growth in a Storage Ring W. Chou LS-86 Superconducting Cavities in the Light Source Storage Ring T. K. Khoe LS-85 Possible Layout for a 1.048 km Circumference, Three-Magnet-Per-Sector, 7-GeV Storage Ring (for Cost Comparison Only) of Argonne Synchrotron X-ray Source E. A. Crosbie LS-84 Radiological Impacts from Operation of Argonne Synchrotron X-ray Source H. Moe LS-83 Entrance Maze Locations for the Storage Ring Tunnel Martin Knott LS-82 Vibrations Inducted by the Flow of Magnet Cooling Water J. A. Jendrzejczyk and R. K. Smith LS-81 Evaluation of Amplitude and Frequency Response Characteristics of the Teac Model MR-30 Tape Recorder J. A. Jendrzejczyk and R. K. Smith LS-80 Evaluation of Effects of Cable Length on Accelerometer Response J. A. Jendrzejczyk and R. K. Smith LS-79 Building-Soil Vibration Coupling J. A. Jendrzejczyk and R. K. Smith LS-78 General Specifications of the Infield Buildings of the Advanced Photon Source Martin Knott LS-77 Vibrations of the Magnet-Pedestal System and LS-77A Addendum to Note LS-77 W. Chou LS-76 Visit to Taber Metals to Inspect APS Vacuum Chamber Extrusions R. Wehrle and R. Nielsen LS-75 Storing Electrons Instead of Positrons Without Trapping of Positive Ions T. K. Khoe LS-74 Cornell Undulator/Summary of Discussions G. Shenoy and J. Viccaro LS-73 Undulator Tunability and Ring-Energy P. J. Viccaro and G. K. Shenoy LS-72 Nd-Fe-B Undulator Design for CESR G. K. Shenoy, P. J. Viccaro, and S. Kim LS-71 Computer Aided Design/Drafting Development Recommendation for The Light Source Project Martin Knott LS-70 Response to Vibrational Disturbance of the Magnet Foundation T. Khoe LS-69 Developing Pulse Width Modulated Power Supply for the GeV Light Source M. H. Rashid LS-68 Touschek Lifetime Calculations S. L. Kramer LS-67 Racetrack at ANL S. L. Kramer LS-66 Considerations in the Design of Undulators L. C. Teng LS-65 Comparison of LINDA and POISSON of a Dipole Field Calculation Suk Hong Kim LS-64 The Argonne National Laboratory 6-7 GeV Synchrotron X-ray Source L. C. Teng LS-63 The Effects of Adding a Higher Harmonic Cavity T. Khoe LS-62 Dependence of Brilliance on Beta Functions Suk Hong Kim LS-61 Site Excavation Study A. N. Lowing LS-60 Dependence of Undulator Spectra on Viewing Slits Suk Hong Kim LS-59 Undulator Parameters for the 7 GeV Option Suk Hong Kim LS-58 An Unreinforced Vacuum Chamber for the 6-GeV Injector Synchrotron W. F. Praeg LS-57 Superlattice Optical Elements P. J. Viccaro and E. Ziegler LS-56 Electromagnetic Properties of the Vacuum Chamber R. L. Kustom and J. M. Cook LS-55 Shielding Estimates for the ANL 6.0 GeV Synchrotron Light Source H. J. Moe and V. R. Veluri LS-54 Distribution of the Bending Magnet Radiation Suk Hong Kim LS-53 Optimization of the β Functions through Insertion Devices Y. Cho LS-52 6 GeV Synchrotron X-Ray Source Conceptual Design Report Supplement ACharacteristics of the Insertion Devices for the 6 GeV Synchrotron Source None LS-51 6 GeV Synchrotron X-Ray Source Conceptual Design Report Supplement BConceptual Design of Proposed Beam Lines for the 6 GeV Light Source None LS-50 Angular Distribution of Power from an Undulator and Wiggler on a 6 GeV Storage Ring Gopal Shenoy LS-49 Ground Vibration Measurements Near the Site of the Proposed ANL Light Synchrotron Radiation Facility D. L. McCown and R. Bowen LS-48 Location of the Injector Synchrotron Relations to the 6 GeV Light Source Ring E. A. Crosbie LS-47 Injection Synchrotron Parameters E. A. Crosbie LS-46 e- Linac--Axial Magnetic Field Confinement G. Mavrogenes LS-45 Frequency Response of Storage Ring Magnets, Eddy Current Shielding of Vacuum Chamber W. Praeg LS-44 6 GeV Booster RMS Current W. Praeg LS-43 Estimate of the Radio Frequency Properties of the Vacuum Chamber T. Khoe LS-42 Energy and Angular Distributions of Radiation Power from Bending Magnet and Wiggler Sources at a 6-GeV Ring G. K. Shenoy and P. J. Viccaro LS-41 Storage Ring Mixed Wiggler, Undulator Lattice Parameters E. A. Crosbie LS-40 Magnetic Field Measurements and Analysis for an Aladdin Dipole Magnet Kenneth M. Thompson LS-39 Storage Ring Geometry E. A. Crosbie LS-38 Distribution of Undulators and Wigglers for Various Experiments at a 6-GeV Ring Gopal Shenoy LS-37 Length of Beamlines and Width of the Experimental Hall at a 6-GeV Synchrotron Facility G. K. Shenoy and G. S. Knapp LS-36 Field Calculations of the Booster Dipole and Quadrupole Magnets S. H. Kim and R. J. Lari LS-35 6 GeV Light Source Storage Ring Quadrupole and Sextupole Magnet Field Calculations R. J. Lari LS-34 6 GeV Light Source Project Cost Estimating Procedure Y. Cho and A.V. Rauchas LS-33 Multipactoring in a Positron Storage Ring T. K. Khoe LS-32 Harmonic Analysis Errors in Calculating Dipole, Quadrupole, and Sextupole Magnets using POISSON R. J. Lari LS-31 Model Storage Ring for 6 GeV Operation as a Synchrotron Radiation Source Parameter List None LS-30 POISSON Codes Available on ANLHEP S. L. Kramer LS-29 Nonideal Undulator Spectra Suk Hong Kim LS-28 Folded Coaxial Line Design for the 38.9 MHz Booster Cavity R. L. Kustom LS-27 The Effect of the Residual Gas on the Beam Life Time in Electron (Positron) Storage Ring T. K. Khoe LS-26 38.9 MHz Capacitively-Loaded Coaxial Cavity Design for the Booster R. L. Kustom LS-25 PEP vs 6-GeV Gopal Shenoy LS-24 Estimation of Total Radiative Power from the 6-GeV Ring Gopal Shenoy LS-23 Computers for the Control of Experiments and Data Acquisition Gopal Shenoy LS-22 Undulators on a 6-GeV Ring General Considerations Gopal Shenoy LS-21 Scientific Potential and Design Considerations for an Undulator Beam Line on Aladdin Storage Ring A. J. Arko, S. D. Bader, J. L. Dehmer, S. H. Kim, G. S. Knapp, G. K. Shenoy, B. W. Veal, C. E. Young, F.C. Brown, J. W. Weaver LS-20 Modified Aladdin Lattice L2V2 S. Kramer and Y. Cho LS-19 Modified Aladdin Lattice N30 S. Kramer and Y. Cho LS-18 Hybrid Undulators and Wigglers for the Aladdin Synchrotron Light Source Suk Hong Kim LS-17 Minimum Emittance Lattice for Synchrotron Radiation Storage Rings L. C. Teng LS-16 Parameters and Spectral Brilliance of the Aladdin Undulators S. Kim LS-15 Chromaticity Correction and Betafunction Distortion T. Khoe LS-14 Light Source Injector Without e+ Accumulator Ring T. Khoe LS-13 Second Designs and Cost Estimates for Storage Ring Dipoles and Quadrupoles K. Thompson LS-12 First Designs and Cost Estimates for the Storage Ring Dipoles and Quadrupoles K. Thompson and R. Lari LS-11 Optical Properties at X-ray Energies of Reflecting Elements for Synchrotron Radiation Sources D. Y. Smith and A. E. Williamson LS-10 Preliminary Vacuum Parameters 6 GeV Light Source J. Moenich and R. Wehrle LS-9 The Effects of Trapped Ions in an Electron Storage Ring T. Khoe LS-8 Calculation of the Undulator Radiation Spectra Suk Hong Kim LS-7 20 keV Minimum Gap Undulator at 6 GeV Suk Hong Kim LS-6 350 MHz KEK-Style Cavity Design Parameters R.L. Kustom LS-5 General Considerations on Beam Diagnostics for the 6 GeV Synchrotron Light Source A.V. Rauchas LS-4 High Brightness Lattices R. Martin LS-3 6 GeV Synchrotron Survey and Alignment J. Norem LS-2 Light Source Job List and Plan Y. Cho LS-1