Experiment Hazard Class 5.2 – High Pressure - Large Volume Press

This hazard classification applies to all experiments involving the use of large volume presses installed at various beamlines at the APS.   Samples may be in the form of metal foils, single crystals, or powdered chemicals in sample holders.  Other hazard classifications and their associated hazard controls may also apply to experiments in this hazard class.  For example, if laser heating is applied, the experiment safety plan must incorporate the applicable hazard Class 4 controls.
Experiment Category

Experiments involving previously reviewed hazard controls qualify for medium hazard category.

Experiments involving new equipment or modified hazard control schemes are categorized as high hazard.

Experiment Hazard Control Verification Statements

The hazard controls listed below must be incorporated into the experiment safety plan for each APS beamline experiment involving large volume presses.

Engineered Controls – The APS approved beamline specific procedures covering use of the large volume press addresses requirements for engineered controls.

Procedural Controls – The owner of this equipment has an SOP for using the equipment.

Design Reviews and Equipment Inspections – If the experimenters bring a sample holder from offsite, the holder must be provided to the Beamline Safety Coordinator (or delegate) for inspection prior to use.

Training – Orientation to the beamline specific procedure for use of the large volume press.

Signs and Labeling – Signs and labeling associated with this hazard class are already in place at the facility.  Other hazard classes might have sign or labeling requirements that would need to be incorporated into the safety plan.

Personal Protective Equipment – Safety glasses with side shields that meet ANSI Z87.1 requirements.

Experiment Authorization
Unless otherwise noted in the approved experiment safety plan, the PSC Deputy Associate Laboratory Director of Operations delegates the authority to authorize an experiment in this hazard class to a member of the APS Experiment Safety Review Board and resident beamline personnel having the authority to authorize experiments as listed in the ESAF system.  Approval by both the host beamline and APS Experiment Safety Review Board are mandatory prerequisites for experiment authorization.
Hazard Control Verification
The PSC Deputy Associate Laboratory Director of Operations delegates responsibility for verifying that required controls are in place to the experiment On-Site Spokesperson and Beamline Management.
Contact the APS User Safety Program with any questions or if the internal links are not working properly.
Reviewed: February 22, 2024