Experiment Hazard Class 13.0 - High Voltage


This hazard classification applies to all experiments involving the use of High Voltage equipment.  Other hazard classifications and their associated hazard controls may also apply to experiments in this hazard class.  The inspection of electric equipment is covered under the APS Policy User Electrical Equipment Inspections.  For further information refer to the APS User Electronic and Electrical Equipment Inspection Criteria.

APS users are not allowed to perform electrical work.  Electrical work does not include work involving equipment where ALL of the following apply: (1) equipment used only in accordance with operating instructions AND/OR involves plugging/unplugging the equipment, AND (2) The equipment is either NRTL-listed or displays an Argonne barcoded ELECTRICAL SAFETY APPROVED sticker, AND (3) The work involves no attempts to remove covers or panels that might expose energized electrical components.

Experiment Category
Experiments involving this hazard class are categorized as high hazard experiments.  Experiments in this hazard class may be reclassified to a lower hazard category dependent upon the review results of the experiment.
Experiment Hazard Control Verification Statements

Engineered Controls – Determined by review and results of a DEEI inspection of the equipment.

Procedural Controls – Determined by review and results of a DEEI inspection of the equipment.

Design Reviews and Equipment Inspections – Review and mandatory inspection of equipment by ANL Designated Electrical Equipment Inspectors (DEEIs).

Training – 

  • ESH 408- Basic Electrical Safety Awareness is required for all APS employees/resident users (ESH408 is not required but is recommended for users).

Signs and Labeling – As determined by review.

Personal Protective Equipment – Determined by review in accordance with the Argonne Electrical Safety Manual.

Experiment Authorization
Unless otherwise noted in the approved experiment safety plan, the PSC Deputy Associate Laboratory Director of Operations delegates the authority to authorize an experiment in this hazard class to a member of the APS Experiment Safety Review Board and resident beamline personnel having the authority to authorize experiments as listed in the ESAF system.  Approval by both the host beamline and APS Experiment Safety Review Board are mandatory prerequisites for experiment authorization.
Hazard Control Verification
The PSC Deputy Associate Laboratory Director of Operations delegates responsibility for verifying that required controls are in place to the experiment On-Site Spokesperson, Beamline Management, and ANL Designated Electrical Equipment Inspectors (DEEIs).

Contact the APS User Safety Program with any questions or if the internal links are not working properly.

Reviewed: February 22, 2024