Shirato presents invited talk at SPIE conference

The 2013 SPIE Optics and Photonics conference was held at San Diego Convention Center from August 25-29, 2013. It is one of the largest interdisciplinary technical conferences in North America focused on solar, nano, optics, photonics and space optics. Leading researchers in the field presented more than 2,800 oral presentations including 19 plenary talks. One of the SXSPM team members, Nozomi Shirato, presented our recent work on LT-SXSTM in the session “X-Ray Nanoimaging: Instruments and Methods” as an invited speaker. The title of the talk was “Development of synchrotron-radiation-based low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy (LT-SXSTM)”. The session attracted X-ray optics and synchrotron scientists and students from around the world. Speakers presented the latest results and developments in X-ray microscopy. The meeting provided ample space for fruitful discussions between the attendees.