The 2023 Workshop on Insertion Devices for Future Light Sources, ID23, was held Sept. 25-27, 2023, at the Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Lab. A total of over 180 attendees participated in the workshop, which was held in a hybrid format. Of the attendees, 103 were registered to attend remotely using Zoom. There were 32 technical presentations, with 13 given in person and 19 given by remote speakers. The speakers represented over 18 major light source facilities, universities, and industry partners from around the world.
The topics covered in the 32 presentations included:
- (1) Overviews of IDs at a few facilities, including conventional permanent-magnet IDs
- (2) Superconducting undulators (SCUs)
- (3) Measurement and tuning of IDs
- (4) Industry collaboration, simulation analysis, and other
The organization of the talks roughly followed these topics, with Topic (1) divided between Monday and Tuesday mornings, Topic (2) on Monday afternoon, Topic (3) on Tuesday afternoon, and Topic (4) interspersed as time allowed.
The final part of the workshop, on Wednesday morning, was devoted to short summaries of groups of related presentations (given by the session chairs), followed by an open discussion that included both in-person and remote attendees.
The following table is the agenda of this workshop. Proceedings compilation, presentation slides and video zoom recordings are only available for internal access.
Title | Speaker | |
September 25, 2023, Monday | ||
MON_00 | Opening | John Byrd - APS |
MON_01 | Introduction, Goals of the Workshop | Laurent Chapon - ANL PSC |
MON_02 | High-Performance and Cost-Effective In-Vacuum Undulators | Takashi Tanaka - RIKEN |
MON_03 | Re-commissioning and Operation of the ESRF IDs After the EBS Shutdown | Reine Versteegen - ESRF |
MON_04 | Insertion Device Development at the Advanced Photon Source | Joseph Xu - APS |
MON_05 | New Compact, Modular In-Vacuum Undulator with Magnetic Force Compensation | Thomas Schmidt - PSI |
MON_06 | Operating Experience of the Insertion Devices in Pohang Accelerator Laboratory | Taekyun Ha - PAL-XFEL |
MON_07 | Commissioning and Operation of the European XFEL IDs | Suren Karabekyan - XFEL |
MON_08 | An Afterburner for FLASH2: Development of an APPLE-III Undulator with Magnetic Force Compensation | Markus Tischer - DESY |
MON_09 | SCU Activities at European XFEL | Sara Casalbuoni - XFEL |
MON_10 | Superconducting Undulators at the Advanced Photon Source | Yury Ivanyushenkov - APS |
MON_11 | HTS Undulators for Compact Free-Electron Lasers Compared to Today's SCUs | Sebastian Richter - PSI |
MON_12 | Superconducting Undulators for the Future Free-Electron Lasers | Dinh Nguyen - SLAC |
MON_13 | Superconducting Insertion Devices in Industry: From Development to Market | Achim Hobl - Bilfinger Noell |
MON_14 | Towards Small Period, High-Field SCUs: Nb3Sn and HTS | Ibrahim Kesgin - APS |
MON_15 | Overview of Superconducting Undulators for the APS Upgrade | Ethan Anliker - APS |
MON_16 | Recent Progress in HTS Magnet Technology for Particle Accelerator | Seungyong Hahn - Seoul National University |
September 26, 2023, Tuesday | ||
TUE_01 | Helical-8 Undulator for Circular/Linear Polarization with Low Heat Load | Takashi Tanaka - RIKEN |
TUE_02 | X-type Undulator for 4th Generation Light Sources | Erik Wallen - ALS |
TUE_03 | Biperiodic Undulator: Compact Insertion Device Devoted to Large Spectral Range Beamlines for SOLEIL-II | Olivier Marcouillé - SOLEIL |
TUE_04 | In-vacuum APPLE at BESSY II | Johannes Bahrdt - BESSY |
TUE_05 | Cornell Compact Variable-Gap Undulators with Hydraulic-Assist Driver and Enhanced Magnetic Field | Alexander Temnykh - CHESS |
TUE_06 | Development of HTS Undulators at PSI | Kai Zhang - Zhangjiang Lab |
TUE_07 | Design and Production of an APPLE-X Undulator | Mirko Kokole - KYMA |
TUE_08 | Physical Optics Simulations for Insertion Devices in Modern Synchrotron Light Sources | Oleg Chubar - NSLS-II |
TUE_09 | Automated Field Measurement and Tuning | Thomas Schmidt - PSI |
TUE_10 | Automated Field Measurement and Tuning of APPLE X Undulators at European XFEL | Uwe Englisch - XFEL |
TUE_11 | Development and Magnetic Measurement of CPMUs at Diamond Light Source | Geetanjali Sharma - Diamond |
TUE_12 | Characterization of Some SOLEIL Insertion Devices Using the Pulsed Wire Method | Mathieu Valleau - SOLEIL |
TUE_13 | Vibrating Wire Technique: Basics and Applications | Alexander Temnykh - CHESS |
TUE_14 | Field Correction and Measurement of Cryogenic Permanent Magnet Undulators at TPS | Jui-Che Huang - NSRRC |
TUE_15 | Undulator Tuning Optimization Over the Full Operational Range, Assisted by Genetic Algorithm | Maofei Qian - APS |
TUE_16 | Design, Testing, and Phase Error Correction of the APSU SCU Magnets | Matthew Kasa - APS |
TUE_17 | High Precision Insertion Device Control and Synchronization | Dean Hidas - NSLS-II |
TUE_18 | Status Update and Virtual Tour of APS Upgrade | Jim Kerby - ANL AUP |
September 27, 2023, Wednesday | ||
WED_01 | Intro to Summary and Discussion Sessions; Ground Rules | John Byrd - APS |
WED_02 | Summary and Discussion: Monday AM | Leader: Johannes Bahrdt |
WED_03 | Summary and Discussion: Superconducting Undulators | Leader: Yury Ivanyushenkov |
WED_04 | Summary and Discussion: Tuesday AM | Leader: Joseph Xu |
WED_05 | Summary and Discussion: ID Measurement & Tuning | Leader: Zachary Wolf |
WED_06 | Final Comments and Closeout | Leader: John Byrd |