Guide to Installing SDDS and OAG Simulation Software on Windows Computers

Authors: Michael Borland, Robert Soliday and Hairong Shang
Packagers: Robert Soliday

If you encounter any installation issues, please

Preferred Installation Steps

  1. Download and Install Cygwin: (optional)

    Visit to download and install the latest version of Cygwin. While not required, it is the recommended environment to run our softwware.

  2. Download and Install Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2022:

    Visit vc_redist.x64.exe to download and install Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2022.

  3. Download and Install Microsoft MPI v10.1.3: (optional)

    Visit Micorosoft MPI to download and install Microsoft MPI v10.1.3. This is only needed if you are going ot run parallel simulations with Elegant.

  4. Download AOP Software:

  5. Install the sdds Python module (optional):

    The sdds is available through either PyPI or Anaconda

    PyPI Package:

    python -m pip install soliday.sdds

    Conda (Anaconda) Package:

    conda install soliday::sdds

Additional Resources