Authors: Michael Borland, Robert Soliday and Hairong Shang
Packagers: Robert Soliday
If you encounter any installation issues, please
Preferred Installation Steps
Download and Install XQuartz:
Visit to download and install XQuartz.
Download AOP Software:
MacOS aarch64 (M1 CPUs)
Unpack the Downloaded Files:
In Terminal, navigate to your download directory and run the following commands:
mkdir ~/sdds mv *.tar.gz ~/sdds/ cd ~/sdds tar -xf *.tar.gz wget
This will unpack the programs into
.Set Up Environment Variables:
Edit your
file to include the necessary environment variables.export EPICS_HOST_ARCH=darwin-aarch64 export HOST_ARCH=darwin-aarch64 export PATH=$HOME/sdds/darwin-aarch64:$HOME/sdds/oagtcltk/usr/bin:$PATH export TCLLIBPATH=$HOME/sdds/oagtcltk/usr/lib/oag:$HOME/sdds/oagtcltk/usr/lib export RPN_DEFNS=$HOME/sdds/defns.rpn
Install the sdds Python module (optional):
The sdds is available through either PyPI or Anaconda
PyPI Package:
python -m pip install soliday.sdds
Conda (Anaconda) Package:
conda install soliday::sdds
Verify Motif Plotting Program:
If you installed
, you will havempl_motif
in your path. Note that Motif may have compatibility issues with newer versions of XQuartz.Run
to check:mpl_motif
If you encounter an error, try the following workaround:
export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/X11/lib/flat_namespace
still doesn't work, you can usesddsplot
with the-device=png -output=sddsplot.png
options to generate plots directly to a file.
Compiling from Source Code
Step 1: Configure the environment
Update ~/.profile
export PATH=$(HOME)/epics/base/bin/darwin-aarch64:$(HOME)/epics/extensions/bin/darwin-aarch64:$(HOME)/oag/apps/bin/darwin-aarch64:$PATH export HOST_ARCH=darwin-aarch64 export EPICS_HOST_ARCH=darwin-aarch64 export RPN_DEFNS=$(HOME)/.defns.rpn
Step 2: Install MacPorts or Homebrew packages
sudo port install openmotif xorg-libXp libdeflate fftw-3 gd2 gsl libiconv libjpeg-turbo xz ncurses libpng tiff zlib zstd
sudo brew install openmotif libXp libdeflate fftw gd gsl libiconv jpeg-turbo xz ncurses libpng libtiff zlib zstd
Step 3: Download and compile EPICS/Base, SDDS ToolKit, SDDS EPICS Toolkit, OAGTcl/Tk, and Elegant
cd ~ mkdir epics cd epics curl -O tar -xf base- rm base- ln -s base- base git clone cd .. curl -O curl -O curl -O curl -O curl -O curl -O tar -xf SDDS.5.7.tar.gz tar -xf SDDSepics.5.6.tar.gz tar -xf oag.apps.configure.tar.gz tar -xf oag.1.29.tar.gz tar -xf elegant.2024.1.0.tar.gz rm SDDS.5.7.tar.gz rm SDDSepics.5.6.tar.gz rm oag.apps.configure.tar.gz rm oag.1.29.tar.gz rm elegant.2024.1.0.tar.gz mv defns.rpn .defns.rpn cd epics/base/configure echo "SHARED_LIBRARIES=NO" >> CONFIG echo "LINKER_USE_RPATH=NO" >> CONFIG echo "COMMANDLINE_LIBRARY=" >> CONFIG echo "CC=clang" >> CONFIG echo "CCC=clang++ -std=c++11" >> CONFIG echo "LDLIBS_READLINE=" >> CONFIG setopt interactivecomments #These paths are specific to MacPorts so we can locate the needed libraries #If you are using Homebrew then you will need to change #/opt/local to /usr/local for Intel Macs or /opt/homebrew for Apple Silicon echo "OP_SYS_INCLUDES += -I/opt/local/include" >> CONFIG echo "OP_SYS_LDFLAGS += \$(addprefix -L,\$(dir \$(firstword \$(wildcard /opt/local/lib/*))))" >> CONFIG cd .. make -j cd ../extensions/configure make clean all cd ../src/SDDS make clean make -j make cd ../oagca make clean make -j cd ../SDDSepics make clean make -j cd ../../../.. cd oag/apps/configure echo "EPICS_BASE=$(dirname $(dirname $(dirname $(pwd))))/epics/base" >> RELEASE echo "EPICS_EXTENSIONS=$(dirname $(dirname $(dirname $(pwd))))/epics/extensions" >> RELEASE make clean all cd ../src/utils/tools make clean make -k cd ../../tcltklib make clean all cd ../tcltkapp/oagapp make clean all cd ../../physics make clean make -j cd ../xraylib make clean make -j cd ../elegant make clean make cd elegantTools make clean make cd ../sddsbrightness make clean make