Our Team

Yine Sun
Group Leader
Deputy LINAC Manager
Yine has her PhD from the Univ. of Chicago and worked at Argonne since 2011.

Louis Emery
Deputy Group Leader
Senior Physicist
Storage Ring Manager
Louis has his PhD from Stanford Univ. and worked at Argonne since 1991.

Joseph Calvey
Booster Manager
Deputy PAR Manager
Joseph has his PhD from Cornell Univ. and worked at Argonne since 2015.

Jeffrey Dooling
Jeffrey has his PhD from Penn. State Univ. and worked at Argonne since 2006.

Osama Mohsen
Assistant Physicist
PAR Manager
Osama has his PhD from Northern Illinois Univ. and worked at Argonne since 2023.

Harong Shang
Principal Computer Scientist, Application Development
Hairong has her PhD from Peking Univ. and worked at Argonne since 2001.

Robert Soliday
Principal Computer Scientist, Application Development
Robert has his M.S. from Northern Illinois Univ. and worked at Argonne since 1998.