Directions to the APS User Office

New users must go directly to the User Office when they arrive for their first visit. Current users who have any change in affiliation, visa status, etc., should also check in with the User Office to update their files.

From the Argonne Main Gate
  • Ask for a map at the Main Gate or the Argonne Information Center when you arrive.
  • Follow the signs to the Argonne Guest House.
  • From the Guest House, Building 401 is visible about 0.3 miles (0.5 km) to the southeast.
  • Enter Building 401 by the main steps.
  • In the atrium of Building 401, turn to the left and look for the signs directing you to the User Office (on the first floor).

The User Office is open 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday (other times by arrangement in exceptional circumstances).

Contact Info
  • Building 401 (the central lab/office building)
  • Room B1154 (first floor)