​​​​​​​PSC Design Review Committee (PDRC)


Conducts design reviews (Design Review procedure) of any PSC project to determine the adequacy of a design in meeting its performance, safety, and operational objectives.
This includes, but is not limited to:

  • New systems and components and modifications to existing of systems or components to be installed at APS;
  • Mechanical, pressure, cryogenic, electrical, safety, conventional construction, APS facility modifications, and shielding systems and components.
  • Designs created by internal and external parties. External designs include CAT beamline facilities. 

The committee will:

  • Assure that the level of the review is commensurate with the complexity of the technical design and intended function, and that all safety aspects of the design are considered.
  • Advise on the follow-on committee review(s) that should occur, and any additional subject matter experts, as needed, to review specific aspects of the design.

Evaluates design submittals to determine the scope and complexity of the design.
As needed: 

  • Request supplemental documentation; arrange for presentations; and schedule meetings.
  • Determine whether any technical reviews of the design were conducted and, if so, provide the technical review documentation available to reviewers.

The PDRC chair determines which committee members are required to take part in the review, including  the need for any additional SMEs and/or other safety committees. Review by the PSC Radiation Safety Committee for any new or modified designs of shielded enclosures and radiation safety system components is required.

Combine the outcome of reviews by standing committee members and/or subject matter experts, and, if necessary, reconcile any differences.

Provide an advisory report to the appropriate final design approver per the APS Design Review Procedure (APS_000031), summarizing the findings and recommendations from the review.

Track any review action items and provide a closeout report to the appropriate final design approver.

File the reviewed documents, meeting minutes, and reports, in the APS Document Management System (DMS). Documents to be filed in the PDRC folio of the ICMS. 

Reports to
PSC DALD Operations.
Subject AreaRepresentative
PDRC Chair*P. Pedergnana
Quality AssuranceN. Sempowicz
LaserE. Chang
RadiationB. Emily/J. Edwards
Shielding - AcceleratorS. Chitra
Shielding - BeamlinesC. Kurtz
ElectricalG. Doktorczyk
PressureE. Anliker
Cryogenic SystemsA. Stevens
ConstructionA. Stevens
Software EngineeringN. Schwarz
Safety InterlocksP. McNamara
Mechanical EngineeringY. Jaski
Mechanical SystemsR. Bechtold
Experimental Facility OperationsC. White
Survey and AlignmentD. Bianculli
Front EndsM. Ramanathan
Life Safety*P. Rossi
Facility Safety Management*P. Rossi
AES Representative*R. Bechtold
ASD Representative*L. Emery
XSD Representative*A. Sandy
APSU Representative*H. Cease
Other SME(s) as required
Meeting Frequency
As required by design review process, as requested from management or at discretion of committee chair.