Early Experiments with the Upgraded APS Workshop series

APS will hold a series of Science Planning workshops in May and early June to identify some of the highest-impact early science opportunities that will be enabled by the APS Upgrade.

The Science Planning workshops are organized along disciplinary lines and will be led by prominent scientists in each field. The dates and topics for the workshops are as follows:

The workshops are part of the APS Upgrade’s Science Planning Process, which is being co-organized by Stephen Streiffer and Paul Evans. We expect these workshops to culminate in a report, Early Science at an Upgraded Advanced Photon Source, to be published early this summer. The report will help us document the Upgrade’s most exciting scientific opportunities and map out the high-level technical requirements necessary to pursue them.

More information is available on the workshops website. We look forward to hearing your thoughts, concerns, and ideas as we work together to make sure we are on track to achieve the user community’s highest possible scientific objectives with this Upgrade.


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