APS User News "Message From Murray" Regarding DOE CD-0 Proposal

The DOE Office of Basic Energy Sciences asked us to submit a proposal for the Critical Decision 0 (CD-0) for the APS renewal project. The proposal was submitted on May 31, 2009, and is currently being reviewed at the DOE. [Note: While the proposal is being reviewed, we are not distributing it widely. However, if you want a copy please e-mail Rick Fenner who can provide a printed copy or talk to an APS staff member.] The proposal describes a vision for the renewed APS that will deliver order-of-magnitude improvements in performance for the majority of beamlines; allow us to address compelling problems in sustainable energy, human health, and economic competitiveness; and help the United States take a leadership role in the development of hard x-ray science in the next decade. The proposal expanded on the extensive network of user workshops that culminated with the Strategic Renewal Planning Workshop last October. If we are granted the CD-0 decision this summer, we will move ahead aggressively in FY2010 to develop a Conceptual Design Report and will engage the user community in the detailed decision making process for the components of the renewal project. There is still time to engage if you have not done so already. Early this fall (October 8-9, 2009), we are planning a workshop to be held in conjunction with our Scientific Advisory Committee meeting that will be an important next milestone in the renewal planning process. Please check our Renewal web page for the latest details.


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