Nb3Sn superconducting radiofrequency (SRF) cavities can expand performance capabilities of particle accelerators for both the fundamental research and the industrial applications. The technology holds a great appeal especially to small-scale applications, where it can enable a turn-key compact cryocooler operation eliminating the need for complex sub-atmospheric liquid helium cryogenic plants. Since the research into Nb3Sn SRF coatings using vapor diffusion technique restarted in 2009 at Cornell University, there has been a growing number of SRF groups around the world developing this technology with a steady increase in cavity performance and system complexity.
In this talk, after a short overview of SRF technology, I will present on some of the recent developments in Nb3Sn SRF cavities, focusing on recent efforts to complete the first-of-its-kind Nb3Sn 2-cavity CEBAF-type cryomodule, which was assembled and tested last year. The talk will conclude with a short overview on some of the ongoing projects and the future possibilities for Nb3Sn cavities in accelerator applications.