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Get, build and install some RTEMS add-on packages

The EPICS IOC shell uses the the libtecla or GNU readline package to provide command-line editing and command history. While the IOC shell can be compiled without these capabilities I think they're important enough to warrant making the effort to download and install the extra packages. GNU readline is more well-tested, but libtecla does not bring along the issues associated with the GNU Public License.

Download the add-on package sources

The latest versions of these files are in

The compressed tar archive in this directory can be downloaded using a web browser or a command-line program such a wget (note that the wget command example has been split to make it fit on this page):

wget --passive-ftp --no-directories --retr-symlinks
Depending on the type of firewall between your machine and the OAR FTP server you may need to remove the --passive-ftp option from the wget command.

When you are done you should have the compressed archive with a name something like


Unpack the add-on package sources

Change to your RTEMS source directory and unpack the RTEMS sources by:
cd /usr/local/rtems/source
bzcat rtems-addon-packages-4.9.2.tar.bz2 | tar xf -
This will unpack the source for all the RTEMS packages into a directory named

Set the RTEMS_MAKEFILE_PATH environment variable

The makefiles in the RTEMS packages use the RTEMS_MAKEFILE_PATH environment variable to determine the target architecture and board-support package. For example,
export RTEMS_MAKEFILE_PATH=/usr/local/rtems/rtems-4.9.2/powerpc-rtems4.9.2/mvme2100
will select the Motorola Power PC architecture and the RTEMS mvme2100 board-support package.

Build and install the add-on packages

The bit script in the packages source directory builds and installs all the add-on packages. To run the script change directories to the add-on packages directory and execute:
sh bit

If you are building for more than one architecture or board-support package, you must run the bit script once for each variation with RTEMS_MAKEFILE_PATH set to the different architecture and board-support package.

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Eric Norum
Mon Oct 19 11:30:39 CDT 2009