DAQ Channel Info Database


This database contains a list of the channels that have been archived in the DAQ (on a per run basis).  For any run # contained within this database, one can identify the DAQ channels stored plus meta-data about that channel and any sub-channels (or dimensions) that were archived.  Channels can be searched for by name (or portion of the name), the associated DOOCS channel, a description field, the associated subsystem, and whether it is a SETPOINT or READBACK.


There are actually two sets of meta-data stored for each channel: the original meta-data obtained (from the DAQ files) and the enhanced meta-data that was entered after the run.  The enhanced meta-data allows for corrections and improvements of the meta-data anytime after the run.  This ensures the channels can be well documented, even if the meta-data was not complete at run time.


The top of the page is the Query Section where one defines the desired search criteria for searching the channel database. After setting the selections as desired, depress the Execute Query  (or hit Enter in a text box) to submit the query.


Run # :  This is a pull down menu containing all the runs currently in the database.  Depressing the –Show Run Info – button will display basic information about each run.  For queries, select the desired run #.  If –All- is selected, additional criteria must be defined to limit the length of the results.


Compare Run # : Selecting a run # in this menu will show a comparison between two runs.  Other search criteria are still effective, so one could search for ̉The difference in channels that start with BIS between Run 4735 and Run 4453.


DAQ/DOOCS Name : This field is used to narrow the search by the DAQ channel name or DOOCS channel name (the search criteria is applied to both fields).   There are two modes of name search:  Find substring or Use SQL Wildcards.


               Find substring:  Finds all channels whose name includes the entered substring anywhere in the name

                              e.g.  KLY   finds KLY.ADC/KLY2 and TTF2.RF/KLY.ADC/KLY4.1/CH07


               Use SQL Wildcards:  Allows more precise searching by using  _  for a single character wildcard and  %  for 0 or more character wildcard    

e.g.  KLY%   finds KLY.ADC/KLY2 but not TTF2.RF/KLY.ADC/KLY4.1/CH07

                              e.g.  KLY%5%  finds KLY.ADC/KLY5 and KLY.ADC/KLY5.1


Description : Any string entered into this field will be searched for in the Description field of the channel.  A simple find substring algorith is used.


Subsystem : Selecting a subsystem from this menu will narrow the search to only the channels that have been assigned to this subsystem.


Readback/Setpoint : This menu is used to narrow the search to Readback or Setpoint channels


Fast/Slow Channels : This menu is used to narrow the search to Fast Channels (those recorded at the beam rate of 5/10 Hz) or Slow Channels (those recorded at a much slower rate).  Currently, there is no meta-data that indicates if a channel is Fast or Slow, but due to current naming conventions, channels with three /s in their DAQ name are assumed to be slow channels.


Show Sub-channels : Checking this box will show the sub-channels defined for each of the channels.


Show All Fields : Some not-so-relevant fields of meta-data are hidden unless this check box is selected.


Show Enhanced Channel Info / Show Original Channel Info : This menu selects which meta-data is displayed; the original meta-data or the enhanced.  Typically, the enhanced meta-data is of interest.  One can view the difference between the two by selecting the third menu choice – Show Differences.