EPICS Base Release 3.14.11

Changes between 3.14.10 and 3.14.11

Time provider on Win32

A race condition meant that sometimes EPICS programs (including the internal programs such as flex and antelope) built for Win32 architectures would not start properly on Windows systems that have multiple CPUs. This race has been fixed.

Build system dependency change

In order to get GNU make parallel execution (-j option) to work proprely for multiple target architectures, a new dependency had to be added. Now all cross-compiled builds depend on their host build. This means that when a make crosstargetarch command is issued, the EPICS_HOST_ARCH target build will be executed first, followed by the crosstargetarch build. Builds done in an O.arch directory will still only build the arch targets however.

Channel Access changes

Mantis 361 fix - ca_add_fd_registration users might not receive select wakeup

Mantis 359 fix - ca client library flow control mode related issues

Mantis 357 fix - high throughput multithreaded ca client appl thread could be trapped in lib.

Mantis 285 fix - CA Documentation doesn't distinguish sync groups from ca_put_callback()

Mantis 346 fix - deleting the chid passed in from within put cb handler causes failure

Mantis 284 fix - channel clear protocol warning messages from PCAS

Mantis 237 fix - SEGV from simple CA client during context destroy

Mantis 242 fix - invalid DBR type not screened in client library when doing a put

Portable Channel Access Server changes

These changes impact the Gateway (Proxy server) and other servers but not the IOC.

Mantis 360 fix - server is unresponsive for one of its clients, when async io postponed and in flow control mode

Mantis 358 fix - PCAS service snap-in has no way to determine if its a put, or a put calback.

Mantis 356 fix - medm display sometimes hangs until the motor stops when controling motor through gw.

Mantis 350 fix - Incoming data corruption under heavy CAS load.

Mantis 340 fix - leak when performing a read and conversion fails.

Mantis 348 fix - A call to 'assert (item.pList == this)' failed in ../../../../src/cas/generic/st/ioBlocked.cc line 112

Mantis 345 fix - Compilation warning: complaint about missing gddDestructor

Mantis 343 fix - gddScalar::new() operator is not fully thread safe

Mantis 333 fix - resTable::removeAll() does not reset the item count

Mantis 335 fix - excas fails in clearOutstandingReads - maybe requires an R3.13 client

Mantis 329 fix - GW hang, pthread_mutex_lock failed: error Invalid argument message

Mantis 352 fix - gateway hangs temporarily under heavy load on 8-core 64bit RHEL5

Timer Queue Library

Mantis 336 fix - timer queue should have try / catch block around call to user's expiration callback

Mantis 332 fix - epicsTimerTest failure, windows vista 64, dual core SMP system


Mantis 328 fixed - orderly shutdown for soft IOC fails

Application configure files

The configuration directory files installed by makeBaseApp.pl have been changing in recent releases to make them work more like the files in the Base configuration directory. The CONFIG_APP file has gone, and its functionality is now performed by the CONFIG file which should only be modified in exceptional circumstances. The variables that used to be set in the CONFIG file now appear in the new CONFIG_SITE file, and can be overridden for specific combinations of host and target architectures by creating a file with name matching one of these patterns:

Note that the setting for CHECK_RELEASE in the CONFIG_SITE files is not compatible with previous releases of Base; if you are creating an application that has to work with earlier releases, move the CHECK_RELEASE setting back to the configure/Makefile where it used to live.

The RELEASE file(s) can now define the variable RULES if you wish the application to use build rules from some module other than EPICS_BASE. The rules must appear in a configure subdirectory just like they do in Base.

Compile-time assertions

A new macro has been added to epicsAssert.h which performs assertion checks at compile-time. STATIC_ASSERT(expr) can only be used when expr can be evaluated by the compiler, and will cause the compilation to fail if it evaluates to false. The resulting compiler error message might appear a little obscure, but it does provide some explanation and contains the line where the failure was discovered. Future versions of the C++ standard will probably contain a similar facility static_assert(expr, message) but will require compiler support to be implemented.

Several changes made to dbDefs.h

The definitions for the macros YES, NO, NONE, min() and max() have been deleted. YES and NO have been replaced by menuYesNoYES and menuYesNoNO from the menuYesNo.h file where they were used in several record types. The other macros were not being used anywhere in Base, sncseq or Asyn.

The macro LOCAL that was a synonym for static is now deprecated and will be deleted in R3.15, please adjust your code to use the latter keyword. All uses of the READONLY macro from shareLib.h must now be replaced by the keyword const as the macro has been deleted.

The dbDefs.h file was unnecessarily including various other libCom header files which may have to be manually added to out-of-tree source files that relied on this. The general rule for header files is that a header should only include other headers that are needed for its own inclusion in any source file. The #include statements that might need to be added are:

A new macro CONTAINER(pointer, type, member) has been added which calculates and returns a pointer to the parent structure when given a pointer to a member, the structure type and the name of the member in that structure. On GNU compilers the type of the pointer is checked to ensure that it matches the member, so code using this macro should be built using gcc for additional confidence.

Long-deprecated errSymFind() function deleted

This functionality was replaced by errSymLookup() many releases ago.

Perl CA library shutdown

The Perl CA library has been modified to properly flush the Channel Access I/O queues when a program using the library exits.

bi, bo, mbbi, mbbo ENUM string fields

The existing Channel Access protocol transports 26 bytes for each ENUM string, but the fields used to hold ENUM strings in the discrete record types were configured to be 16 (mbbi/mbbo) or 20 (bi/bo) bytes long. These have all been increased to match the CA limit.

Use of SIGALRM disabled

Previous releases that supported HPUX required that EPICS trap and be able to generate the SIGALRM signal in order to break out of a blocking socket system call on those systems (Posix only). There were two API routines that had to be called by any code using sockets to properly support this. Since we no longer support HPUX this code is no longer required, and as it breaks the Posix timer interface on Linux it has been disabled in this release. The API routines now do nothing on all platforms, and will be removed before the 3.15 Release of Base.

Universal Binaries on Darwin

It is now possible to configure Base on Darwin to build universal binaries containing an installation-specific choice of 32- and 64-bit CPU architectures. This is controlled through the definition of the ARCH_CLASS variable in the configure/os/CONFIG_SITE.Common.<arch> file for the particular target architecture you are using (darwin-ppc, darwin-x86 or darwin-ppcx86). There are comments and example settings in those files. Note that to my knowledge EPICS Base has not been thoroughly tested on the 64-bit darwin architectures.

HPUX, SGI and VMS files deleted

We have not supported or tested EPICS Base on HPUX for several releases; the support files for this and other unsupported operating systems have been removed.

PINI Processing and PHAS values

The PINI field now has its own menu type with four more choices, RUN, RUNNING, PAUSE and PAUSED. The earlier NO and YES values for this field remain as before and cause the same processing as before. The new values cause records to be processed during the announcement of the new initHookAtIocRun, initHookAfterIocRunning, initHookAtIocPause and initHookAfterIocPaused states respectively.

Records with PINI=YES will be processed during the iocBuild stage of iocInit, follwed by records with PINI=RUN during the iocRun stage and records with PINI=RUNNING during the initHookAfterIocRunning stage. If an iocPause command is given, any records with PINI=PAUSE will be processed at the initHookAtIocPause stage followed by records with PINI=PAUSED will be processed at the initHookAfterIocPaused stage. A subsequent iocRun command causes the PINI=RUN and PINI=RUNNING records to be processed again.

The PHAS field now controls the order in which records are processed as a result of the PINI mechanism; within each stage, lower values of PHAS are scanned before higher ones.

Additional initHook states

Several new initHook states have been added which are announced while the IOC is being paused or restarted. The original states remain unchanged, although a couple of the later ones are deprecated where using the new states makes more sense. The enum that defines all the states is now:

typedef enum {
    initHookAtIocBuild = 0,         /* Start of iocBuild/iocInit commands */
    initHookAfterIocBuilt,          /* End of iocBuild command */

    initHookAtIocRun,               /* Start of iocRun command */
    initHookAfterIocRunning,        /* End of iocRun/iocInit commands */

    initHookAtIocPause,             /* Start of iocPause command */
    initHookAfterIocPaused,         /* End of iocPause command */

/* Deprecated states, provided for backwards compatibility.
 * These states are announced at the same point they were before,
 * but will not be repeated if the IOC gets paused and restarted.
    initHookAfterInterruptAccept,   /* After initHookAfterDatabaseRunning */
    initHookAtEnd,                  /* Before initHookAfterIocRunning */
} initHookState;

The two deprecated states will only ever be announced once, whereas the newer ones will repeat as often as the iocPause and iocRun commands are executed.

Soft Channel ai device support and SMOO

The (probably unwritten) rules for ai device support have always required that any device support which sets the VAL field and returns "2" should also perform any other operations normally performed by the ai's convert() routine. In practice very few devices did this, but there are some which makes it impossible to move that smoothing function into the body of the record. This change adds the support for SMOO filtering to the soft channel device support for the ai record. The filter is short-circuited when a link recovers from a failure.

New link flags for alarm severity/status inheritance

Two new options have been introduced as alternatives to the existing NMS and MS flags: MSI (Maximize Severity INVALID) and MSS (Maximize Severity and Status).

When a link is flagged MSI the receiving record inherits the target's alarm severity just as it does with the MS flag, but only if that severity is INVALID.

When a link is flagged MSS the receiving record inherits the target's alarm status as well as its severity, thereby preserving the alarm status through MSS chains instead of setting that status to LINK.

Analog records get_alarm_double() semantics changed

The get_alarm_double() routine in several record types has been changed to make it easier for CA client applications to display the correct warning and alarm limits for a record.

Originally these routines would always return the current values from the associated alarm limit fields, but now they will return epicsNAN (not-a-number) instead if the severity field of the corresponding limit is NO_ALARM. This allows CA clients to suppress the display of unused limits.

New math constants epicsNAN and epicsINF

Two new math constants have been added to epicsMath.h: epicsNAN (not a number) and epicsINF (infinity).

New event type DBE_PROPERTY

A new event type (flag in the Channel Access event mask) has been added to support subscriptions that get events whenever a property of the PV changes. This will allow clients to get notified on changes of control limits, graphical limits, state strings etc.

The CA commandline tool camonitor and the CA Perl interface support the new event type. As a first working example, the mbbi and mbbo records have been extended to send a DBE_PROPERTY event when their status strings are modified. A more general mechanism to specify sending DBE_PROPERTY events through the DBD file will appear in 3.15.

Client application developers are encouraged to start using DBE_PROPERTY subscriptions to fetch channel attribute data.

Channel Access command line tool changes

The caget/caput/camonitor programs in src/catools now use '\' escape sequences for non-printable characters.

They provide a new option -F to set an output field separator to be used instead of the default space character.

New functions for escaping non-printables in epicsString.h

The existing routines used to escape non-printable characters have been replaced by a new set of functions that are prototyped in the epicsString.h header file:

int epicsStrnRawFromEscaped(char *outbuf, size_t outsize, const char *inbuf, size_t inlen);
epicsShareFunc int epicsStrnEscapedFromRaw(char *outbuf, size_t outsize, const char *inbuf, size_t inlen);
epicsShareFunc size_t epicsStrnEscapedFromRawSize(const char *inbuf, size_t inlen);

Both conversion functions take the output buffer (and its size), and the input buffer (and its size) as argument. They will convert non-printable characters from/to their '\'-escaped versions. The third function scans a raw input string and returns the number of characters needed for the escaped version.

The existing function interfaces will be kept for compatibility, but their further use is deprecated.


Partial puts are not supported. An attempt to put more bytes than currently free will be rejected.

Long string support

The IOC now provides support for strings longer than 40 characters through Channel Access in a manner that is fully backwards compatible with older versions of the CA library, although not all CA clients can make use of this at the moment.

Adding the suffix '$' to the field name of an IOC PV name (through either Channel Access or Database Access) causes the native type of that field to be reported as an array of DBF_CHAR, as long as the field type is DBF_STRING, DBF_INLINK, DBF_OUTLINK or DBF_FWDLINK. It is then possible to use a DBF_CHAR array to read, write and monitor values from that field, and the 40 character string length limit imposed by the DBF_STRING type is replaced by the amount of storage allocated for the string on the IOC (for link fields the limit is related to the maximum length of a record name).

The caget/caput/camonitor programs in src/catools can now use long strings by adding the command-line option -S which causes them to handle an array of DBF_CHAR as a string. Both MEDM and EDM can already present such DBF_CHAR arrays as strings in their text widgets (although you do have to configure the widget to format it as text), so this solution already works with some CA clients, although by no means all clients support it yet.

Darwin no longer uses _environ

The Darwin version of epicsEnvShow (in src/libCom/osi/os/Darwin/osdEnv.c) now uses _NSGetEnviron() to get the pointer to the environment string table.

gpHash argument type changed

Out-of-tree users of libCom's gpHash routines should change the type of their pointer to their gpHash table to avoid compiler warnings. The first argument to all of the gph...() routines used to be a void * (or a pointer to one for gphInit()) but is now a struct gphPvt * (struct gphPvt ** for gphInit) for better type safety. The definition of the structure has not been made public, although a declaration is provided in gpHash.h.

New hash functions in epicsString.h

The existing routines used to hash strings have been replaced by a new pair of functions that are prototyped in the epicsString.h header file:

unsigned int epicsStrHash(const char *str, unsigned int seed);
unsigned int epicsMemHash(const char *str, size_t length, unsigned int seed);

The seed argument should normally be zero, but can be used to chain several hash calculations together to create a single value from multiple strings or memory buffers. The resulting value should be masked with the appropriate number of bits for the desired hash width. These functions both use the same algorithm, and on most CPUs should be faster that the previous hash functions used in Base. Use epicsStrHash() on nil-terminated strings, epicsMemHash() if the data might contain zero bytes.

Support for dynamic loading

The existing OSI epicsFindSymbol API has been expanded to support dynamic loading of binary files, on architectures where the facilities necessary to implement this are provided (currently Linux, Solaris, Darwin and vxWorks). A new but optional command is provided for iocsh which calls the new epicsLoadLibrary() function. In order to include this command in an IOC, you must include the dlload.dbd file; the command will then be installed when the IOC's ioc_registerRecordDeviceDriver routine is run.

To dynamically load a new routine for use with the sub or aSub record types, you also have to register the subroutines at runtime. You can use the EPICS build system and the registerRecordDeviceDriver.pl script to write the necessary code for you, you just have to create a .dbd file that declares the functions in the library and add the derived .cpp file to the library sources. The product of your build should be a LOADABLE_LIBRARY to ensure that the correct linker commands are used.

After a shared library is loaded into the IOC using the new iocsh dlload command you will usually have to run the lib_registerRecordDeviceDriver routine to register the components that were mentioned in the .dbd file. After registration the functions can be found as normal by setting the SNAM field of your sub or aSub record instances. Once loaded, shared libraries cannot be unloaded again as there is no way to be sure that some other part of the IOC doesn't still have a pointer to something inside the module.

Components provided by a shared library can include functions for sub and aSub records, iocsh commands, time providers and sequence programs. Record and device support code may be possible, but there are complications in creating the .dbd file so we don't recommend it yet. It is possible to load libraries after iocInit, but the code is not re-entrant so should only be used from the main thread. Adding new record types or device support will not work after iocInit.

Perl5 CA library

The CA::put and CA::put_callback methods now use the native type of the PV to determine which data type to use in all cases; earlier versions looked at the Perl data type for single-valued PVs, but this was truncating some double values into integers.

generalTime and epicsTime updates

Allow time providers to supply timestamps in interrupt context. A pair of new API routines in epicsTime.h epicsTimeGetCurrentInt() and epicsTimeGetEventInt() will check the most recently successful current-time or event-time provider and forward requests to the routine registered by that provider, if any. The priority list is not traversed, so if the latest provider has not registered an interrupt-safe routine by calling generalTimeAddIntCurrentProvider() or generalTimeAddIntEventProvider() as appropriate, these API routines will return failure. The resulting timestamp is not protected against backwards movement either.

Added a routine generalTimeHighestCurrentName() which returns the name of the highest prority registered current time provider. Comparing this with the name returned by generalTimeCurrentProviderName() permits an alarm to be generated if an IOC is not able to use the time provider it was designed to use. The General Time stringin device support keyword @TOPTCP has been added to make this name available in a database record.

The following routines have been renamed, but the old name may still be used since a macro with the old name has been added:

Old Name New Name
generalTimeCurrentTpRegister generalTimeRegisterCurrentProvider
generalTimeEventTpRegister generalTimeRegisterEventProvider
generalTimeCurrentTpName generalTimeCurrentProviderName
generalTimeEventTpName generalTimeEventProviderName

The routine generalTimeCreateSyncTimer() was not useful in practice due to time provider initialization issues, nor was its implementation protected properly for use on SMP systems so it has been deleted. The deprecated and empty synchronize() method from the epicsTime class has also gone.

RTEMS Release

RTEMS release 4.9.2 or newer is required. EPICS now configures RTEMS to use unified executive/malloc memory pools if available (RTEMS 4.10 and up).


RTEMS stack sizes have been reduced. This allows more clients in machines with limited memory.

RTEMS file descriptor allocation has been increased.

Added record aliases

Record definitions can declare their own alias names along with the field values, or a separate alias statement can also be used:


Aliases can only be created for records that have already been loaded by the IOC, although they don't have to appear in the same .db file. A CA client can discover that a record name is an alias by fetching its .NAME field, which will always return the canonical name for the record. These new routines in the dbStaticLib library handle aliases:

long dbCreateAlias(DBENTRY *pdbentry, const char *paliasName);
int dbIsAlias(DBENTRY *pdbentry);
int dbGetNAliases(DBENTRY *pdbentry)
long dbDeleteAliases(DBENTRY *pdbentry);

Aliases are located using the existing record instance API. Use dbIsAlias() to test whether a record is actually an alias or not. Aliasees can be deleted like record instances using dbDeleteRecord() which will not delete the underlying record if the DBENTRY refers to the alias (deleting a record instance does delete all its aliases though). The dbDeleteAliases() routine deletes all aliases of the selected record, and will return an error if used on an alias.

Any out-of-tree tools that scan through all the records in the database using dbFirstRecord() and dbNextRecord() may need modifying to avoid duplicate processing of aliased record instances. Also note that the set of info items for a record instance are not shared with its aliases, which each have their own info item namespace.

Added support for RTEMS-mvme2700

Supplied by Matt Rippa <[email protected]>. Should work for MVME2400, too.

CA Commandline tools: priority support

A new option -p was added to all Channel Access command line tools to allow specifying the CA priority.

Linux: Use libncurses

Changed linux builds to link against libncurses instead of libcurses (suggested by Peter Zumbruch).

Changes between 3.14.9 and 3.14.10

GCC_EXEC_PREFIX references removed from configuration files

Definition of GCC_EXEC_PREFIX removed from CONFIG.CrossCommon and unexport of GCC_EXEC_PREFIX removed from vxWorks and RTEMS builds.

RTEMS Release

RTEMS release 4.9 or newer is required. If you are using the RTEMS NFS time provider you need to use RTEMS 4.9.1 or newer.

RTEMS epicsEventWaitWithTimeout

Correctly return epicsEventWaitTimeout when event is not pending and timeout value is 0.0 seconds.

epicsRingPointer, epicsRingBytes

Fixed a race condition exposed by compilers with more agressive optimization.

camonitor timestamp support

The camonitor program now supports the ability to display both server- and client-side timestamps, simultaneously if requested. The old command-line options -r -i and -I that controlled the timestamp display have been replaced with a new -t option that takes additional argument letters to control which timestamp sources and output format should be used.

See the Command Line Tools section of the Channel Access reference manual or run camonitor -h for a summary of the options.

New "stdio" stringout device support

A new device support has been added that allows a stringout record to output one-line messages to stdout, stderr or the errlog subsystem. Use DTYP="stdio" and set the OUT field to one of "@stdout", "@stderr" or "@errlog" to control the message destination. A newline is appended to the contents of the record's VAL field when printing.

General Time subsystem

The way in which EPICS gets the time has been significantly revised since R3.14.9 with the introduction of the General Time subsystem. Two kinds of pluggable time providers are now supported, which return either the current time or the latest timestamp of a numbered Time Event from a hardware event system. All IOCs must have at least one Current Time provider, but Event Time providers are optional. The General Time subsystem guarantees that the timestamps returned never step backwards, even when switching between time providers.

A Current Time Provider reports the current wall-clock time if it is able to when asked; if it can't it says so, and the time subsystem will then ask the next provider in its list and so on until someone replies with the time. Event Time providers are handled similarly, except that they are asked for the timestamp associated with a particular Time Event number rather than the current wall-clock time. The registered time providers can be listed using the IOC command generalTimeReport(int interest) and some time providers also have their own separate report commands.

Different target architectures come with different default Current Time providers in Base. The Unix-like architectures rely on the underlying operating system clock, which normally involves running something like ntpd as a separate process. The real-time operating systems vxWorks and RTEMS install two Current Time providers; the native operating system clock at the lowest priority (this provider includes a task to periodically reset the operating system clock from a higher priority time provider), and an NTP time provider which synchronizes the underlying operating sytem tick timer with an NTP server. Microsoft Windows targets using the Win32 API use a Windows-specific time provider which contains a built-in PLL.

There are no Event Time providers included with Base except for an optional "Last Resort" Event provider which can be installed if a site wants to be sure that every Time Event number will have a recent timestamp associated with it even if the hardware event system goes down. The Last Resort Event Time provider returns the current time for every Time Event number. To install this provider, run the command installLastResortEventProvider from your IOC startup script.

Additional information about General Time and the time providers included with Base can be found in the IOC Application Developers Guide for R3.14.10, sections 9.7 and 20.6. General Time was originally written by David H. Thompson and Sheng Peng at ORNL, subsequently worked on by Babak Kalantari and Timo Korhonen of PSI, and merged into Base by Peter Denison from Diamond. Andrew Johnson provided input into the design at various points and made various code revisions after the merge.

New ioc/dllPath.bat file for Win32

When creating an IOC with one of the win32-x86 target architectures, a file dllPath.bat is now generated in the iocBoot/iocxxx directory which can be run to adjust the PATH variable to include all of the support application bin directories which might contain DLLs that the IOC uses. The PATH also includes the IOC application's own bin directory, which simplifies starting up the IOC as well.

New epicsEndian.h header

Any C or C++ code can #include "epicsEndian.h" which defines four macros. The main one is EPICS_BYTE_ORDER and is defined to be either EPICS_ENDIAN_LITTLE or EPICS_ENDIAN_BIG (these are numeric constants 1234 and 4321 respectively). The fourth macro is called EPICS_FLOAT_WORD_ORDER and is needed because some ARM systems use mixed-endian format floats.

Note that just knowing the CPU's endianness doesn't tell you the complete story about the byte order that your hardware registers will present to the CPU; byte swapping is often performed automatically by PCI to VME bridge devices and by other kinds of bus converter, so "portable" drivers aren't always.

Array Subroutine Record added (aSub)

A heavily modified version of Andy Foster's genSub record type has been added, called the aSub (Array Subroutine) record type. The new name is so that genSub records can continue to be used in IOCs that need those features that have changed or been removed in creating the aSub record type. The main differences between genSub and aSub are:

epicsTimeEventDeviceTime support for soft channel input records

The Soft Channel device support for all input record types now supports the fetching of the timestamp along with the data when the record's TSE field is set to epicsTimeEventDeviceTime (-2). This works for both DB and CA links. However the timestamp will only be fetched if the record's TSEL link is not set, so you can't point TSEL to another record to read the -2 value into TSE (that's because to make this work properly would require that the TSEL link be read twice every time the record processes; once in the soft channel device support, and again when the record type calls recGblGetTimeStamp().

devLib: CR/CSR Support added

Thanks to Eric Bjorklund for providing a patch to devLib that gives access to the CR/CSR address space (for those on a VME64 CPU with appropriate support from your BSP).

ascaStats, dbcaStats, seqcaStats

Query routines have been added that count CA client connections made by Access Security rules and Database Channel Access links. A similar routine will be added to version 2.0.12 of the sequencer for counting sequence program CA links:

void ascaStats(int *pchans, int *pdiscon);
void dbcaStats(int *pchans, int *pdiscon);
void seqcaStats(int *pchans, int *pdiscon);

The pchans parameter should point to integer storage which will be set to the total number of channels open, while the value at the pdiscon pointer will be set to the number of channels currently disconnected. Prototypes for these routines can be found in the header files asCa.h and dbCaTest.h (seqCom.h for the sequencer).

Messages from errlog

J. Lewis Muir provided patches to ensure that all messages printed on the IOC's console by the errlog subsystem are sent to the stderr output stream rather than to stdout.


This thread calls upon vendor libraries which may use significant amounts of stack. Account for this by providing the ipToAsciiProxy thread with an epicsThreadStackBig stack.

iocBuild, iocRun and iocPause

These three new commands are mainly intended for use with DESY's redundant IOC software but they might have some uses for others too. iocBuild allow an IOC to be initialized and set up ready for a quick start without actually making it live; a subsequent iocRun will bring it to the same state as an iocInit would have. Once an IOC has been started (using either iocInit or iocBuild + iocRun) the iocPause command can be used to freeze it, disconnecting its PVs and stopping all scan activity. The iocRun command restarts the IOC from this state.

While this might seem like a useful thing to be able to do, we have not tested it on IOCs using real-world I/O, and it is not unlikely that pausing an operational IOC could cause irremdial havok to any device support, sequence programs and other software which is not expecting it, so use with care and make sure you test it first. An IOC that is kept paused for more than a minute or two could fill up its network buffers and become impossible to restart without rebooting.

IOC Support on 64-bit archs

A fairly significant number of changes have been that were necessary to allow the IOC code to run properly on 64-bit CPU architectures where a long is 64 bits wide. This was not as simple as replacing every instance of the typename long with epicsInt32 because that would have broken a lot of external code unnecessarily. The generated record.h file now uses the typenames from epicsTypes.h to declare record fields, thus field sizes are the same on both 32- and 64-bit platforms (on 64-bit, a DBF_LONG does not map to long but to int). This change does not affect status return values, which are still implemented using the native long type for the platform.

Conversion of empty strings to character types

While changing the conversion routines in db/dbConvert.c and db/dbFastLinkConv.c to support 64-bit architectures as described above, it was noticed that an empty string converts to the value 0 for all types other than DBF_CHAR and DBF_UCHAR where it converts to the ASCII character '0', value 0x30. Since these types are usually used for storing small integers or boolean values rather than ASCII characters, it was decided that this conversion is wrong so it has been changed to match the other numeric conversions.

epicsShareAPI deprecated inside IOC

APIs that are intended for use inside the IOC, the epicsShareAPI attribute is slowly being removed. This keyword is only used on MS Windows where it indicates to the compiler that the function should use Pascal calling conventions rather than C ones, and was necessary to be able to call such functions from MS Visual Basic. APIs for use by client code (CA and libCom) will generally retain the attribute if they already had it.

Record types ANSIfied

Thanks to John Hammonds at the EPICS Codeathon, the record type implementations have been converted from K&R to ANSI C prototypes.

Added Perl5 CA library

Base now provides a CA client library interface for Perl5 scripts in src/cap5 and includes as examples some implementations of the catools programs written in Perl. Documentation on how to use the Perl library is available in base/html/CA.html after the build completes. This library cannot currently be built on Windows targets.

IOC ignores SIGHUP

iocInit() installs an signal handler for ignoring SIGHUP. This fixes a problem that appeared with soft IOCs run as a procServ child on some Linux systems, where a disconnecting CA client would cause the soft IOC to get a SIGHUP and exit.

Build System Reorganization

Several changes have been made to the build system, although these changes should not affect the contents of Makefiles or any applications using Base. They do however require that the version of GNU Make used be 3.81 or later. These changes are briefly:

Access security configuration files

Rules and macros were added for creating an *.acf file, access security configuration file, from an *.acs file using the C preprocessor. An .acs file has the same format as an .acf file with the addition of '#include "<filename>"' and '#define <macroname> <value>' lines. The C preprocessor includes the #include files and performs the macro substitutions.

Changes to subArray record error behaviour

In previous versions the INDX field of a subArray record was set to zero if the array that it reads through its INP field became empty. From this release the INDX field will only be modified by the record's process() routine if INDX is greater than MALM. In the event that the no data is read through the INP link, the subArray's UDF field will be set and a UDF/INVALID alarm will be generated.

scanOnce(precord) argument

The argument to scanOnce() is a pointer to the record to be scanned. This used to be a void * pointer, but is now a dbCommon * pointer. Record types written in C that call scanOnce() will still compile without having to change the source code (although a comiler warning may be generated), but any record types implemented in C++ will have to be fixed to cast the record instance pointer to a dbCommon * instead.

New Architectures

The following target architectures have been added to this release, although the core developers lack the ability to test all of them:

Added compile line header search directories

The compile line list of directories to search for header files now includes O.Common and the existing os subdirectories of SRC_DIRS <src_dir>/os/<OS_CLASS>, <src_dir>/os/posix, and <src_dir>/os/default.

Parallel make now supported

The -j jobs option is now supported for users of GNU Make version 3.80 or later. The -j option speeds up building by allowing multiple jobs (build commands) to be run in parallel; this will have the most effect on hosts with multiple symmetric processors, but can also speed up uni-processor builds. Builds still work as before when run without -j, but using the -j option with an earlier version of GNU make will fail since this relies on the $(eval) function which was introduced in GNU Make 3.80.

The -j option has been tested with this version of EPICS Base, but it may not work for Extensions or IOC applications unless their dependancies are specified correctly.

New DIRS directory dependancy specifications are required to determine the directory build order with -j. For example if we have 2 directories, src and configure, and the configure directory must be built before the src directory, the Makefile should contain:

 DIRS = configure src
 src_DEPEND_DIRS = configure

The directory dependancy specifications are only needed when -j is given to make. Without the -j the order of directories in the DIRS definition determines the build order as before.

Breakpoint tables

Some sites may be using breakpoint tables that are not monotonic in one direction. In R3.14.9 both axes of a breaktable had to be monotonic; a table will not be loaded if either the raw or engineering values change direction. There are situations where this check is too strict however, so a new variable named dbBptNotMonotonic has been added that disables this check if its value is non-zero.

Breakpoint tables are often included in an IOC's .dbd file, but they can also be loaded from a .db file (although VDCT will probably not understand them). Since there is no way to set the above variable inside the dbExpand program that expands out an IOC's .dbd file (which also rejects non-monotonic breaktables), all applications that use such tables will have to load those tables separately, using either dbLoadDatabase or dbLoadRecords.

RTEMS on processors with MOTLOAD bootstrap

Added support for more 'Global Environment Variables'. Documented in the EPICS/RTEMS tutorial.

RTEMS on processors with PPCBUG bootstrap

Set NTP server as well as nameserver and log server from server bootstrap settting.

RTEMS compiler flags

The -ansi flag has been removed from CONFORM_FLAGS_STRICT and CONFORM_CXXFLAGS_STRICT -- there are many useful library functions whose prototypes are disabled when -ansi is used.

SEL record (Mantis #295)

The value in the SELN field was not being checked against its limit, potentially causing a crash on some architectures.

Calc expressions

VAL keyword
The keyword VAL is now supported in CALC expressions. In a calc or calcout record it returns the current contents of the VAL field (which can be written to by a CA put, so it might not be the result from last time the expression was evaluated). In Access Security expressions it returns the result of the previous evaluation of the rule expression. In other uses of the calcPerform engine, the result may not be well-defined.
Thanks to Benjamin Franksen these functions can now accept any number of arguments, thus MAX(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L) and MIN(A)are now legal expressions. The FINITE function returns a non-zero value as long as none of its arguments are NaN or Inf values, while ISNAN returns non-zero if any of its arguments are NaN values.

softIoc now starts shell by default

To prevent an interactive shell from being started, give a -S (upper case) option on the softIoc command line. The old -s (lower case) option is still accepted, but now does nothing.

Error messages from dbLoadRecords

Some error messages output by the dbLoadRecords parser should be easier to understand, having been reworded to report what was actually the problem rather than just which routine found the error...

Command registration for iocsh

The iocsh command registration data and routines have been moved out of the src/iocsh directory (which now no longer exists) into a file for each library. At the same time, the iocsh implementation code has been moved into libCom. There is no libiocsh.a library created any more, so any applications (such as the sequencer) which explicitly list iocsh in a xxx_LIBS definition in their Makefile(s) will need to be modified to have the library name removed. In most cases though the library will have been included using the EPICS_BASE_IOC_LIBS or EPICS_BASE_HOST_LIBS variables that are set in Base, and thus no changes will be needed.

Changes between and 3.14.9

Cygwin Builds

The cygwin make version 3.81-1 does not handle MS-DOS path names and thus does not work for EPICS builds with RELEASE file definitions. From the discussion on the cygwin mailing list it looks like this will be fixed in make version 3.82. In the meantime make version 3.80 or a fixed make can be downloaded from this website.

New Architectures

The following target architectures have been added to this release, although the core developers lack the ability to test all of them:

vxWorks compiler optimization level

Wind River Systems do not support optimization levels beyond -O2 for vxWorks applications compiled using gcc, so optimized vxWorks builds are now set to -O2 only (we currently use -O3 everywhere else).


There was a bug in the portable channel access server library that prevented the PV Gateway from being able to handle and pass on alarm acknowledgements from the EPICS Alarm Handler ALH. This has been fixed in this release and should only require that the gatewey be recomplied against this version of Base.


The parser for the substitutions file accepted by dbLoadTemplate() has been revised, and is now stricter than it used to be — unmatched characters that were accepted and discarded without warning before will now generate errors. The quote characters at the two ends of a quoted string value must now match, although either single or double quotes can be used. Escaped characters inside a quoted string should pass safely through to the underlying dbLoadRecord() command. The characters permitted in a bareword parameter (i.e. a filename or value that is not inside quotes) have been reduced from the overly wide set allowed before; the permitted characters now comprise: a-z A-Z 0-9 _ - + : . / \ [ ] < > ;

Escaped characters in record fields

Field value strings loaded from a database file by dbLoadRecords() can now use C89-compatible escaped character codes such as \", \', \t, \n, \064 and \x7e. The parser also now checks for and reports strings that have a newline character in them as an error - if you want a newline in a field, use the \n escaped version. These escapes only apply to the value part of a field() entry in .db file though; no other strings have escape codes translated.

libCom/test and db/test

These test programs are no longer installed into the bin/arch directory. Running all these programs on any host architecture is as simple as typing make runtests in the base top level directory or in any appropriate subdirectory. The runtests target uses Perl's Test::Harness module to execute all of the test programs and summarize the result. It is also possible to run individual tests as desired, by executing them from the relevent O.<arch> directory; the program output is designed to be comprehensible to humans.

For vxWorks and RTEMS, a test harness has been created that will run all of the test programs in a suitable order. At a vxWorks target shell, type:

ld </path/to/base/bin/vxWorks-arch/vxTestHarness.munch
cd "/path/to/writable/directory"

On RTEMS, boot the bin/arch/rtemsTestHarness binary.

You may wish to capture the output from running these to a file to more easily check the results, since there is no wrapper program to collect and summarize the results of the individual test programs.

Breakpoint tables

The handling of breakpoint table data has been reworked. It is now possible to give table data in either ascending or descending order, and the breakpoint data may have a negative slope such that the engineering values increase while the raw values decrease and vice versa. The only restriction on the data is that is must be monatonically increasing or decreasing, so you can't use a breakpoint table for curves that have local minima or maxima. This restriction is checked for when the breakpoint table is loaded.

Support for vxWorks 6

The build configuration support for vxWorks 6.x has changed significantly, having been recombined with the older vxWorks 5.x support. The two target architectures vxWorks6-mv2100 and vxWorks6-mv5100 have been removed; IOCs built under vxWorks 6.x using these architectures must revert to the original vxWorks-ppc603_long and vxWorks-ppc604_long architectures instead. The configuration file CONFIG_SITE.Common.vxWorksCommon now specifies the vxWorks version number, as well as the filesystem path to the installation of vxWorks using the WIND_BASE variable.

postfix and calcPerform

The calc expression parser and exective have undergone a signficant overhaul, although the API and expression language supported are backwards compatible with one minor exception, described below. Significant improvements have been made to both the API and the expression language: Multiple values can be calculated and assignments made in a calc expression; Error reporting for humans is now supported by the expression parser, and code can discover what inputs and outputs are needed and generated by an expression.

Assignment operations are now possible, using the new := operator which must have an expression variable (A through L) to its immediate left. Multiple expressions can be included in the calculation string, separated by a semicolon ;, all but one of which must be assignments. The value of the whole string is determined by the single non-assignment expression, which may appear anywhere in the string. For example, the following string causes a single CALC record to output the successive values of a sine curve in 1 degree intervals: sin(a); a:=a+d2r

Previously any expression that performed an invalid operation which would generate a NaN or Inf result would be stopped immediately and return an error to the caller. Now it is possible to perform operations that generate NaN or infinite results, and the results are returned as normal. The result of the expression or the value assigned to a variable may thus be a NaN or an infinity. To permit this to be checked within the expression, the new operators finite(), isinf() and isnan() have been added to the expression language. The literal values Inf and NaN are also now supported in expressions.

The only incompatible change to the expression language was to change the NOT operator from performing a unary minus operation to an integer bitwise not; the former meaning is illogical and as a result was probably not used much, if at all — nobody complained when I discussed this on tech-talk...

The extended API and the expression language are now discussed in detail in chapter 19 (libCom) of the R3.14.9 version of the IOC Application Developer's Guide.

calc and calcout record, asLib

As a result of the above changes to the calc expression parser and executive, both the calc and calcout records and the Access Security library have been modified to take advantage of the new error diagnostics. The Access Security library has been made to reject any expression that contains an assignment operation, to prevent any possible security holes that might be caused by this significant change to the expression rules.

The calc and calcout records have had some subtle changes applied: To mitigate the effects of the Inf/NaN behaviour change, the result of an expression is checked for NaN, which will result in the UDF field being set and an Undefined/INVALID_ALARM being raised as a result.

An empty string is no longer a legal expression, therefor the CALC and OCAL fields have been changed so that their default value is a literal "0" string. Also any calcout record device support must now add the line #include "postfix.h" before the #include "calcoutRecord.h" line in the source code.


The recGblResetAlarms() routine (which is called by all record types towards the end of record processing) now optionally calls a single hook routine via the function pointer recGblAlarmHook after it has updated a record's alarm status and severity. See regGbl.h for the hook routine prototype definition, the routine is also given the previous values of the record's status and severity. The hook routine must not block, since this would hold up record processing.

ai, bi, mbbi and mbbiDirect records

These record types now support raw simulation mode. If the value of the SIMM field is 2 (enum string "RAW"), the SIOL link value is placed into the RVAL field and passed through the raw to engineering units conversion process just like the real device support's raw value would be.


The TIME field of a record is now displayed in a human readable format. TIME used to have an interest level of 4 since it was output in hex and not very easy to understand, but it has now been moved to interest level 2.


The convertRelease.pl parser now supports the use of -include statements in configure/RELEASE files as well as include statements.

MIPS support

Changes were needed to the configure/tools/munch.pl script to support vxWorks-MIPS targets.


A new facility is provided in libCom for use in generating automated test programs. Many (but not all) of the test programs in libCom/test have been converted to use this facility.


Off-by-one buffer overflow error fixed in dbFindField() which only seemed to affect vxWorks-(intel) targets.


Create a POSIX-compliant TZ environment variable from EPICS_TIMEZONE. Previous versions had an incorrect format which was ignored by tzset().

Added space for user extensions. This provides the infrastructure for the spy command.

Fixed error in epicsThreadGetName for non-EPICS threads.

Added hooks for application routines to supply special network configuration parameters. The RTEMS startup code calls epicsRtemsInitPreSetBootConfigFromNVRAM just before reading values from NVRAM and epicsRtemsInitPostSetBootConfigFromNVRAM just afterwards. See epicsRtemsInitHooks.h for prototypes and global variables.


e_flex has been modified to accept DOS line endings as well as Unix ones. The scan.c file was recreated using e_flex itself and the flex.skel file on the modified scan.l.DISTRIB source. initscan.c is not required or used for the EPICS build, so it has been removed.


devLib is now built for all architectures, whereas before it was only built on RTEMS and vxWorks. However for it to be usable there must be an appropriate table of OS-specific routines provided. For those OSs that don't implement these routines a default table is defined which will result in an error on any attempt to use devLib routines, but the default table can be overridden in an external library that provides an appropriate table. This subtle change was implemented to allow use of the SIS 3100 PCI to VME bridge from Linux, and needs no change to the other implementations of devLibOSD.c.


Added epicsThreadResume command.


mallocMustSucceed and callocMustSucceed accept 0-byte requests. Note that these routines may return a NULL pointer in such cases.

Mac OS X (Darwin)

Added support for EPICS_HOST_ARCH=darwin-ppcx86 for building libraries/applications which will run on both PowerPC and Intel x86 targets.

Added support for EPICS_HOST_ARCH=darwin-x86.

Changes between and


On architectures whose native version of strtod() actually works properly (i.e. converts +/-Inf[inity] and NaN strings to their double equivalents) we managed to break the use of this in the R3.14.8.1 release. This is now fixed.

Changes between 3.14.8 and

Version Numbering

This release adds a fourth level of version number, which we haven't used since R3.13.1.1. The intention is to imply that R3.14.8.1 includes some small but important changes since R3.14.8 but no signficant new behaviours or API modifications. This fourth level has required us to modify the version number system and the macros in the epicsVersion.h file slightly though. We have taken the opportunity to introduce a new variable EPICS_SITE_VERSION to the file configure/CONFIG_SITE that adds an optional site-specific version number; sites that were achieving this by editing the configure/CONFIG_BASE_VERSION file should switch to setting EPICS_SITE_VERSION instead.


Mantis entries fixed:

232 - non-preemptive mode client relying on ca_poll does not always reconnect

Win32 symbol changes

These changes are required to allow software outside of Base to be built on win32 architectures.

Changes between 3.14.7 and 3.14.8

New host targets

Configure files are now available to support the win32-x86-mingw (MinGW C++ compiler) and win32-x86-cygwin (WIN32 API with cygwin C++ compiler) host targets.

Configure files were also added for linux-x86_64 and solaris-sparc64 but these files are for experimental purposes only and to show that we are working on these targets. Currently these two 64 bit targets are not passing our test suite, so they must not be used in production systems.

Runtime Hardware Address Changes

An Extended Device Support mechanism has been introduced which is designed as a safe way to widen the API between iocCore and the device support software it interfaces with. An extended device support can now be notified of changes to a record's hardware address, and is given the chance to approve or reject that change.

As a result of introducing this notification mechanism, any device support that was capable of handling runtime address changes in prior versions of Base will have to be updated to provide the new interface, since the absence of extended device support is now taken to mean that runtime address changes are not understood by the device support. This requirement is not expected to affect many EPICS sites.

POSIX thread priority scheduling

POSIX thread priority scheduling is now supported. There is a new user option USE_POSIX_THREAD_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING in the CONFIG_SITE configure file for using POSIX thread priority scheduling. For now the default value is NO. This has only been tested on a few versions of linux. On linux, in order, to use real time priorities the option must be set to YES and the ioc must be started with root privilages.


The definition VX_DIR was removed from configure/RELEASE and moved to configure/os/CONFIG_SITE.Common.vxWorksCommon. The configure/RELEASE* files should contain location definitions for EPICS modules only.


The definition RTEMS_BASE (and RTEMS_VERSION) were removed from configure/RELEASE and moved to configure/os/CONFIG_SITE.Common.RTEMS. The configure/RELEASE* files should contain location definitions for EPICS modules only.

event generator and event receiver record support

All apsEvent specific record support has been removed from base

drvTS and apsEvent support

The following files have been removed from base: drvTS.h drvTS.c, egDefs.h egRecord.c egRecord.dbd egeventRecord.c egeventRecord.c egeventRecord.dbd erDefs.h erDefs.h erRecord.c erRecord.dbd ereventDefs.h ereventRecord.c ereventRecord.dbd

These are removed from EPICS base. The version that previously came with base was the version that worked with the APS event system. It is available from APS. The version that works with the newer event systems that evolved from the APS system is available from the Swiss Light Source.

task watchdog

It was possible for taskwd (task watchdog) to not detect when some of the standard tasks failed. This is because they were passing their threadid rather than using epicsThreadGetIdSelf. It was possible to call taskwdInsert before the threadid was actually set.

dbLock and dbBkpt

dbLockGetLockId incorrectly always returned 0. dbBkpt (database breakpoint facility) is the only code that needed this. This caused unknown errors if the dbBkpt facility is used.


The maximum size was initialized to 65636 instead of 65536.


Add additional cast to prevent 'strict aliaising' warnings.


I/O redirection from vxWorks startup scripts now works.


This new variable which can be controlled using the iocsh var command (or by simple assignment in the vxWorks shell) allows users to change the behaviour of dbLoadRecords() when it finds a duplicate record definition. The default behaviour has always been to permit multiple record() statements for the same record name when loading record instances, but by setting dbRecordsOnceOnly to any non-zero value, duplicates will instead generate an error message instead. It is expected that this will only be used in special circumstances, to detect the presence of unintentional duplicates where it is known that they should not exist.

select record

This record now sets and posts monitors on its SELN field indicating which of the inputs was selected, independent of which selection mechanism was selected via the SELM field. This makes it much more useful, especially when the High, Low or Median mechanisms are chosen.


Macro expansions in any program using the macLib facility from libCom can now include a default value which will be used if the macro named is not defined at the moment of substitution. The syntax for this is $(name=default) or ${name=default}. The default string can itself contain other macros like this: $(name=$(default)). This feature has actually been present since R3.14.6.


On a powerPC, during iocInit, a crash could occur. In particular the SYNAPPS version of save_restore experienced crashes. This is now fixed.


Mantis entries fixed.

221 - should shutdown full duplex comm on udp sockets if not used

192 - concurrency bug in channel access to local DB

181 - ca_host_name() now returns the host name of the client, not the host:port of the server

161 - issues surrounding manipulation of CA contexts

153 - CA (caput) client does not reconnect after server suspend-continue-shutdown cycle

111 - non-preemptive clients disconnect if ca_poll() isnt called regularly

portable ca server

Mantis entries fixed.

196 - portable server library intermittent hang on UNIX systems

191 - corrupt value when doing a put through portable server (little endian host)

175 - example portable server array PV 'alan' does not have time stamps

gdd (used by portable server)

Mantis entries fixed.

211 - GDD: aitConvertStringEnum16 does nothing if pEnumStringTable==NULL

RTEMS port

Added support for setting NFS server/mount information from PPCBUG argument strings.

rtems_shutdown_executive is now called on IOC exit. On many BSPs this will return control to the bootstrap PROM.

Set POSIX TZ environment variable from NVRAM, or failing that, from EPICS_TIMEZONE.

Cleaned up support for obtaining network configuration from NVRAM.

Added support for some additional boards.

Set iocsh prompt from host name.

Initialize in-memory filesystem from tar image following executable in bootstrap flash memory. This allows for fully standalone IOCs -- no TFTP/NFS server required.

Set IOC_NAME and IOC_STARTUP_SCRIPT environment variables from bootstrap parameters.

vxWorks port

Fixed mantis entry.

179 -base does not build with vxWorks 6.0

225 - On vxWorks epicsThreadCreate returned -1 instead of 0 if a thread could not be created. This is fixed.

OS X port

Builds on Tiger.

Readline now used by default.

WIN32 port

Fixed mantis entries.

195 - explicitly unloading Com.dll causes crash

230 - assert fail of caget, caput, etc under msvc 8

231 - manifest files not installed under visual C++ 8

POSIX port

Fixed mantis entries.

186 - failure after exit command if log client is running

222 - osiSpawnDetachedProcess doesnt close open files in dupicate process on POSIX

Changes between 3.14.6 and 3.14.7


The select record type has for a long time made use of a coule of magic numbers (1e+30 and -1e+30) to mean "not a real value", which prevents the record from working properly if one or other of these appears as an actual data value. These have been changed to use +Inf and -Inf or NaN instead, so +/-1e+30 may be used as a data value.

ai, ao, dfanout and subroutine Records

These record types have been modified to respond better to NaN values as follows: if the VAL field contains a NaN value, the UDF field will be set and an undefined value alarm will be triggered.


epicsStdlib.h declares epicsStrtod() which provides a version of strtod which handles NAN/INF on all architectures. All uses of strtod() in base have been converted to use epicsStrtod().

epicsStdlib.h also declares epicsScanFloat() and epicsScanDouble() which replace calls to sscanf with routines which handle NAN/INF on all architectures.

epicsThreadCreate Stacksize Posix

The posix implementation of epicsThreadCreate() now makes pthread calls to set the stack size. The sizes returned by epicsThreadGetStackSize() for the inputs epicsThreadStackSmall, epicsThreadStackMedium and epicsThreadStackBig are 128K, 256K and 512K respectively on at least the architectures Linux, Solaris, HPUX and Darwin (different values are used on vxWorks and RTEMS). This allows creation of many more threads on most systems.


dbNotifyCancel now waits if the userCallback is active when dbNotifyCancel is called. Previously it just returned. NOTE CAREFULLY. This means that the userCallback must not free the putNotify structure.

CA commandline tools

caget and camonitor now have an additional "-s" option to explicitly request server-side string conversion, which - in case of the regular CA server - leads to "precision" info (e.g. the PREC field of an EPICS record) being honoured.

POSIX signals

Signals are blocked in all but the main thread. Applications/drivers which require signal delivery to a subthread will need to be modified.


Three new functions are implemented: epicsExit, epicsExitCallAtExits, and epicsAtExit. These are similar to exit and atexit, i.e. they provide the ability to register a function to be called when the process exits. They are provided becase neither vxWorks or win32 properly implement exit and atexit. Note that they apply to an IOC stopping NOT to a thread exiting.

epicsStdio and epicsStdioRedirect

In order to support iocsh redirection of stdin, stdout, and stderr, epicsStdio.h defines the following new functions: epicsGetStdin, epicsGetStdout, epicsGetStderr, epicsSetStdin, epicsSetStdout, epicsSetStderr, and epicsStdoutPrintf. epicsStdioRedirect.h defines macros that redefine stdin, stdout, stderr, and printf.

Any code that includes epicsStdioRedirect.h will automatically have it's stdio redirected. It has been added to many files in base. If code called by dbior wants it's output redirected, it must also include this file.

IOC Test Facilities

Any command that previously had an argument for a report file name no longer has the argument. The new iocsh redirection capability is now used. For example the former command:

    dbl "0" reportName
Is now:
    dbl > reportName
Note that this does NOT work on the vxWorks shell only on iocsh. On the vxWorks shell the following command can be given:
    iocshCmd("dbl > reportName")


errlog now calls epicsAtExit and releases all resources when epicsExitCallAtExits is called.


epicsStrGlobMatch() routine added.


Input/output redirection added.

iocshCmd routine added (callable from vxWorks shell).

help command uses globbing.


The ODLY (Output Delay) was not handled properly. This is fixed.


make sure reset gets called when size of INP array changes.

dbAccess DBR_ENUM_STRS for field DTYP

Data Base Request Option DBR_ENUM_STRS for the DTYP field of soft records can cause an IOC to crash.


RTEMS implementation of epicsMessageQueuePending() now works.

Added support for MVME2100 BSP.

Added support for building RTEMS bootable images.

iocBoot/ioc* build change

The cdCommands and envPaths files are now created in ioc* directory only when the ARCH defined in the ioc*/Makefile is present in BUILD_ARCHS for the build.

Changes between 3.14.5 and 3.14.6

CA command line tools complete

The complete set of Channel Access command line tools (caget, caput, camonitor, cainfo) is available as announced during the May 2004 Collab. meeting. Documentation is part of the CA Reference Manual. Be aware of possible name conflicts with existing local tools.

IOC template file configure/RULES.iocBoot removed

The directory name wildcards that were defined here have been moved to iocBoot/Makefile, which as a result is no longer unique in having its own configure/RULES file.

APS Virtual Linac template removed

This is really a demo and a complete EPICS IOC application, not a template. It will be made available separately.

EPICS_HOST_ARCH win32-x86-cygwin renamed to cygwin-x86

The EPICS_HOST_ARCH win32-x86-cygwin was renamed cygwin-x86 to avoid confusion about what OS interfaces are used on Windows: native win32 or cygwin's emulation of POSIX. Now we have


The time server's IP address used by the vxWorks clock routines was not reading the default value from the generated envData.c file but going straight to the boot host if no environment variable by that name was set.


These files are now parsed by a program that recognizes and ignores comment lines. Previous versions of this parser would extract settings from these files even if they appear on a line starting with a '#' character, so the last line containing a setting for any variable would give the value used as the default. This was first noticed in R3.14.5 where a commented-out setting for the EPICS_TIMEZONE parameter was added after the uncommented version.

db test shell commands

Many of the commands crashed if given no arguments. They are now more crash proof.

db_access - conversion of double to float

When a CA user asked for display or control limits as a float a 0 value was returned as -1.17549435E-38. This is now fixed.

New DBD rule

A new dbd rule will create a <name>Include.dbd from files specified in a <name>_DBD macro definition. An include line will be placed in the <name>Include.dbd for each file specified in the <name>_DBD definition. If a Makefile contains

        xxx_DBD = f1.dbd f2.dbd f3.dbd 

an xxxInclude.dbd file will be created containing the lines

        include "f1.dbd"
        include "f2.dbd"
        include "f1.dbd"

and dbExpand will be invoked to create the xxx.dbd file from the xxxInclude.dbd.

Solaris Builds

Old solaris 6 specific compiler options have been removed.

New make targets cvsclean and archclean

The new top level Makefile only target, cvsclean, removes cvs .#* files in all dirs of the top directory tree.

The new archclean target is like the clean target except that O.Common directories are not removed.


Add epicsSnStrPrintEscaped.


epicsExportAddress(typ,obj) now generates an extern named pvar_typ_obj and epicsExportRegistrar(func) an extern named pvar_func_obj. Previously both just named the variable pobj.

epicsRegisterFunction(name) in conjunction with the dbd 'function' keyword can be used to register functions referred to by record subroutine name fields.

Access Security

The access security configuration rules now accept quoted strings where just names were allowed previously.

All dump routines now have FP version.

A new shell command "ascar(int level)" is now available. It produces a report of the INP channel access connections. Level (0,1,2) produces (a summary report, summary plus unconnected channels, summary plus report of all channels)

Channel Access Client Library

Channel Access Portable Server (used by the CA gateway and others)

Changes between 3.14.4 and 3.14.5


Don't seg-fault if no argument is passed to dbtr.

New build targets.

New files have been created in configure/os to allow CROSS_COMPILER_TARGET_ARCHS to include solaris-sparc-gnu and solaris-sparc-debug when EPICS_HOST_ARCH is solaris-sparc. Also CROSS_COMPILER_TARGET_ARCHS can now include linux-x86-debug when EPICS_HOST_ARCH is linux-x86.

New epicsString.h function

A new function epicsStrnCaseCmp has been added. It is like strncmp except that it ignores case.

R3.13 compatability files

R3.13 compatability files are no longer generated automatically during the build. configure/CONFIG_SITE contains two new macros for building compatibility files. They are set to NO but can be set to YES. The macros are:

APS Virtual LINAC Templates

A new set of templates has been included in R3.14.5 to implement a Virtual LINAC in an ioc using databases and sequence programs. The Virtual LINAC simulates the generation and transmission of an electron beam down a LINAC. Several steering coils, BPMs, and other typical accelerator components are simulated to provide a realistic interaction between the operator and the "LINAC". Since it is an entirely soft application, it will work on any platform. An medm display is provided as the primary GUI. It can also be used to experiment with other CA client tools.

To install the templates, use the following commands:

  <base>/bin/<arch>/makeBaseApp.pl -t vlinac vlinac
  <base>/bin/<arch>/makeBaseApp.pl -i -t vlinac vlinac

For further information, see:


Stringin record time-stamp soft device support

Add simple device support for converting time to nicely-formatted string using INP field as epicsTimeToStrftime format string:
record(stringin, "$(user)now")
    field(DESC, "Current time and date")
    field(DTYP, "Soft Timestamp")
    field(INP, "@%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%03f")

Channel Access Portable Server (used by the CA gateway and others)

Channel Access Original Server (used in IOC)

Channel Access Client Library


Better error messages are now generated.

dbCaPutLinkCallback is a new function. It provides the ability to implement record/driver support that does not complete until a channel access put callback has completed. See the Application Developer's Guide for details.

dbCaAddLinkCallback is a new function. The caller can provide a connect and monitor callback. See the Application Developer's Guide for details.


Soft device that uses dbCaPutLinkCallback has been written for ao, bo, calcout, longout, mbbo, mbboDirect, and stringout records. The dbd definitions have been added to devSoft.dbd. In other to use the new support the DTYP field is defined:

    field(DTYP,"Async Soft Channel")


The CALC and OCAL fields now have a size of 40 so that they are the same as the calcRecord.

calcoutRecord now has associated device support. The default support will act just like the old calcout. Support bis also available that uses dbCaPutLinkCallback.


The fields ZRST,...,FFST are now special(SPC_MOD).


The fields ZRST,...,FFST are now special(SPC_MOD). init_record now checks to see if state strings or values are defined during pass 0. Previously if another record had a DBR_STRING link to an mbboRecord it thought the field was a USHORT instead of an ENUM.


A new function has been added epicsStrPrintEscaped, which converts the standard C escape characters to \xxx characters.

IOC shell system command

The 'system' command has been added to the IOC shell. To enable this command, add registrar(iocshSystemCommand) to an application database description file.

Changes between 3.14.3 and 3.14.4


This has been removed from base.

Format string checking

'printf-style' functions like errlogPrintf have their arguments verified against their format string when compiled with gcc.

IOC shell command-line editing on vxWorks

The IOC shell now uses the vxWorks ledLib routines so command-line editing is now the same in the IOC shell as it is in the vxWorks shell.

CA client library crashes when the same PV name is on multiple servers

If the CA client library was searching for a PV name that was hosted on more than one server a segmentation violation occurred when printing a diagnostic message resulting in a failure of the CA client library. The bug was introduced in R3.14.3. The code was tested on WIN32 prior to release, but the problem has so far been reproduced only on Linux.

Thanks to Ernest Williams at the SNS for discovering and helping to diagnose the problem.

Disconnection callback function called when CA channel known to be disconnected

If a CA circuit timed out during the connect sequence then the CA client library called the applications's disconnect callback function indicating a disconnect state transition when the channel was already known to be disconnected. This has caused the sequencer to improperly maintain its connected channel count. Other CA client side tools may also be impacted.

Recent versions of vxWorks appear to experience a connect failure if the vxWorks IP kernel reassigns the same ephemeral TCP port number as was assigned during a previous lifetime. The IP kernel on the vxWorks system hosting the CA server might have a stale entry for this ephemeral port that has not yet timed out which prevents the client from connecting with the ephemeral port assigned by the IP kernel. Eventually, after EPICS_CA_CONN_TMO seconds, the TCP connect sequence is aborted and the client library closes the socket, opens a new socket, receives a new ephemeral port assignment, and successfully connects.

Thanks to Mark Rivers for initially reporting the bug and energetically assisting with identifying the cause.

Changes between 3.14.2 and 3.14.3

TPRO output

The record processing trace output generated when the .TPRO field of a record is non-zero now includes the name of the thread that is actually doing the processing.

calcRecord and calcoutRecord

Previously if a dbGetLink failed on one of the input links, dbGetLink was not called for the remaining links. Now it is.

put notify

put notify did not act properly if a record had disp=TRUE, i.e. if puts are disabled. It now returns putNotifyPutDisabled.


This is no longer supported


devLib is now supported on vxWorks and RTEMS. It has been moved from src/vxWorks/src to src/libCom/osi. devLibVirtualOS has been extended to support allocating A24 addresss and an init method.

vxWorks dependent modules moved

The following have been moved from src/vxWorks/src to src/libCom/osi/os/vxWorks: camacLib.h, drvTS.c, drvTS.h, epicsDynLink.c, epicsDynLink.h, module_types.h, task_params.h, veclist.c. Brief documentation has been added to the Application Developer's Guide.

Close-On-Exec flag set for all sockets created in EPICS base

On POSIX systems if a Channel Access application spawns off 3rd party software with an exec() call then all open file desriptors are inherited unless the close-on-exec flag is set for each file descriptor. A new wrapper function was created so that all sockets created in EPICS base will have the close-on-exec flag set on POSIX systems. The function which spawns the CA repeater with exec() used to close all open files except stdin/stdout/stderr. This step was no longer required and therefore was removed from the code.

Temporary Files on Windows

The tmpfile() function on windows requires that all temporary files be stored in the root folder. The antelope (yacc) tool in base was calling tmpfile() and this was causing problems at sites where win32 systems use remotely mounted secure file systems. A wrapper function called "FILE * epicsTempFile()" that creates a temporary file on WIN32 with a name epicsNNN using one of the following paths was installed into libCom. It searches starting with (1) below and stops when it finds a specified path that exists. On POSIX systems, and systems that default to POSIX behavior, epicsTempFile() simply calls tmpfile().

  1. where the TMP environment variable specifies
  2. in c:\tmp
  3. in the current working directory

envPaths file

For operating systems other than vxWorks, there is now a target file created in each iocBoot/ioc directory called envPaths, which performs the same functions as the cdCommands file in vxWorks but using environment variables. The entries in envPaths are derived from the contents of the application's configure/RELEASE file.

Macros in database filenames

Database (.db and .dbd) filenames passed to dbLoadDatabase, dbLoadRecords and inside dbLoadTemplate substitutions files will now have environment variable macros expanded before opening. These are expressed using the standard ${MACRO} syntax. Inside a template substitutions file the filename must be enclosed in double quotation marks if macros are used.

registerRecordDeviceDriver output subroutine renamed

The registration routine generated by the registerRecordDeviceDriver.pl perl script now includes the name of the application, thus requiring a one-line change to any IOC startup files produced with earlier R3.14 releases of base. The actual name is taken from a second command line argument supplied to the script by the modified make rules, and is derived from the name of the fully expanded dbd file from which the necessary information is extracted. The change needed to every startup script involves using this new name in place of the old registerRecordDeviceDriver. Assuming that your application's fully expanded dbd file is called example.dbd you would modify the lines


to become


dbExpand -o outfile option

A commandline option -o has been added to the dbExpand program to allow the name of its output file to be specified. If there are any errors in the input file(s) the output file will not be generated or modified at all. The rules to expand DBD files have been changed to make use of this.

New keyword variable() supported in dbd files

Database definition (.dbd) files can now contain declarations of simple static variables, a facility intended for driver debugging purposes. These variable(name) or variable(name,type) declarations are preserved by dbExpand (type is int if omitted), and will be converted by registerRecordDeviceDriver.pl into code that registers them with iocsh. The variables themselves must be defined in some existing C or C++ code and marked using the macro epicsExportAddress(type,name). Only plain int and double types are supported.


A facility for performing macro expansion using environment variables as macro definitions has been added to libCom/macLib. The ioc shell now performs macro expansion using this on all input lines (other than comments) before printing and executing the line.

iocsh var command

For simple applications such as controlling the value of debugging flags. Devlopers with more complex expression handling requirements should consider use of the cexp package. The available variables are defined by the new variable dbd file keyword.


Tell iocsh to make a copy of the argument string before passing it to the handler function.


Operating-system independent replacement for strdup().


The epicsMessageQueue API has been changed. All functions and methods to receive a message now have an additional argument which specifies the size of the receiver buffer. The receive functions/methods return -1 and the received message is discarded if the received message will not fit in the buffer. See the Application Developer's Guide (libCom OSI) for details.

This is an incompatible change. All R3.14.2 applications which use epicsMessageQueue must be modified before they can be compiled and used with R3.14.3

Error Message Logging

A bug occurring only in Microsoft Windows port of the error message logging client was fixed. The symptoms were problems getting a Microsoft Windows based IOC to make entries in the log file.

A bug occurring in the error message logging server where a partial message arrives w/o a <CR> and then a <CR> from a previous message was found in the input buffer was fixed. The problem must have existed for a long time but probably was not occurring frequently. The symptom was garbled output in the log file.

An IP kernel deadlock vulnerability occurring when vxWorks's tNetTask calls logMsg because of a transient mbuf starvation situation has been fixed. The fix was to not call logFdAdd for the log client's socket and instead create a specialized vxWorks device driver which calls errlogPrintf for each incoming message and then call logFdAdd for a file descriptor opened with that device driver. The desirable functional change being errlogPrintf's capability to discard messages when it gets behind (because of a transient mbuf starvation situation). The fix also means that any code that calls errlogAddListener on vxWorks, e.g. CMLOG, will now receive the logMsg messages.

Channel Access Client Library Client Context Cleanup Race Condition

The symptom is a CA client program that fails with a segmentation violation on Linux shortly after calling ca_task_exit()or ca_context_destroy(). A fix will show up in R3.14.3. Regression tests were updated to detect this type of problem.

Red Hat 7.3 Linux Process Rundown Bug

There appears to be a bug in the Red Hat 7.3 process rundown where posix thread support is defective when file scope destructors are being run. The symptom was a hang during process exit. A workaround was installed.

Multiple CA Servers on MAC OSX

A patch was made to allow multiple CA servers on MAC OSX. OSX is a recent branch off of BSD and therefore requires socket option SO_REUSEPORT.

Changes between 3.14.1 and 3.14.2

Build System

Major changes have been made to the build system. The good news is that the rules for support and ioc applications are now greatly simplified. The bad news is that it does mean changes for existing 3.14.1 applications. Please see:


for details. If you are using the function DBD keyword it no longer exists. Please read this conversion document for details.

Application Developer's Guide

The old chapter "New Feature's for 3.14" has been replaced by a new chapter "Getting Started". Please read it. It provides a simplified set of rules that can be used to build most support and ioc applications. Many minor changes have also been made.


A bug in dbGetLink resulted in nRequest not being given the value 0 if the link is a constant link. This in turn caused the waveform record to always set NORD=NELEM. Thus if an application trys to write a waveform via the steps:

    write nNew elements into array >>

This sets NORD = nNew. But because of the dbGetLink bug, the soft device support attached to the waveform record sets NORD to NELM.

This problem is fixed. The actual bug was in macros in dbAccessDefs.h

Access Security

The host names are now converted to lower case. This fixes incompatibilities between various platforms.

string records

Both the stringin and stringout records have two new DBF_MENU fields: APST and MPST. These control whether CA monitors are fired if the new VAL field string is identical to the old one. The default (zero) menu value is "On Change" with behaviour identical to before, set to "Always" if you want a record to fire monitors every time the record is processed (analagous to setting ADEL/MDEL=-1 for numeric record types).


A new facility that provides the capabilities of vxWorks msgQLib. See the Application Developer's Guide (libCom OSI) for details.

epicsStdio and errlogPrintf

A new facility has been added to libCom described by epicsStdio.h. It contains the functions epicsSnprintf and epicsVsnprintf. These are like the C99 functions snprintf and vsnprintf, which are like sprintf and vsprintf except that they accept a argument limiting the number of characters written.

The errlogPrintf facility has been modified to use this facility. Thus it is not longer subject to a possible buffer overflow.


This is a new function provided by the Database Scanning facility. Given an index for the choices defined by menuScan.h, it returns the scan period in seconds. The argument can just be the scan field of a database record. If the index is not associated with a periodic scan rate, the value 0.0 is returned.

New epicsString.h function

A new function epicsStrCaseCmp has been added. It is like strcmp except that it ignores case.


macParseDefns did not check for handle==NULL. The documentation for macParseDefns was not correct.

Changes between 3.14.0beta2 and 3.14.1

function - New Database Definition Keyword

dbStaticLib and related programs now accept a new keyword in DBD files:


Where name is the name of a function with "C" linkage that is included in the IOC binary. This function will be automatically registered with the registry at the same time as the record/device/driver tables, and is intended to make using subroutine records much easier on non-vxWorks systems.. Prior R3.14 releases required there to be a static registration routine for such subroutines.

dbStaticLib has two additional routines to support this, dbDumpFunction() and dbWriteFunctionFP(). dbDumpFunction has been added to the iocsh command table.


When executing commands from a script file, iocsh now echoes each command to the terminal before execution. This makes it much easier to see where errors are being reported.

Solaris build requirement

uname must be defined for builds on solaris hosts because it is used to determine the solaris version.

Linux build note

Under linux-x86 only, when SHARED_LIBRARIES=YES it is now possible to have one or more directory paths burned into products as run-time locations for the shared libraries. In configure/os/CONFIG_SITE.Common.linux-x86 add any such absolute paths to the new make variable SHRLIB_SEARCH_DIRS (lib/<arch> will be automatically appended to each directory given).


A *[nn].db file will be created from an *.template and a *[nn].substitutions file ,where nn has a value between 0 and 99.

Support for 64 bit long

Many changes were made to support architectures on which a long is a 64 bit integer. The basic change was to change:

The changes include the following:

Hardware Link Definitions

The various parts of hardware link definitions now accept HEX values, e.g.

field(INP,"L0 A1 C0 S0xa @")



A macro has been defined so that client code can be written that is compatible between 3.13 and 3.14.

epicsMutex for posix

Mac OS X

Now supported as development platform and as IOC.


Additional RTEMS-pc386 network drivers are available


Configurable iocsh command-line editing support (none, readline, libtecla)

CA Reference Manual

Many additions.

CA Client Library

Bugs related to connection speed when creating new channels and other channels are not found fixed. Bugs related to proper schedualing in file descriptor manager based clients fixed. Many other bugs were fixed. Performance was significantly improved.

Original CA Server Library (still employed in R3.14 by iocCore)

A bug was fixed where the server was in rare situations using excessive CPU.

Portable CA Server LIbrary

Several bugs were fixed when performing integration testing with the channel access gateway.


Many bugs and missing features fixed.

Changes since beta1


Field UDF now has a promptgroup. This allows users to set UDF false via DCTs.


errlog no longer contains an atexit that calls errlogFlush. This did not work on all operating systems. cantProceed, iocsh, and ca_task_exit all call errlogFlush. Other applications may also have to call if before terminating.


mbboRecord now implements method cvt_dbaddr for the VAL field. If no state vales or state strings are defined then it sets field_type and dbr_field_type to DBF_USHORT.

timeStamp changes

Changes have been made to:

epicsTime.h now has the definitions:

#define epicsTimeEventBestTime -1
#define epicsTimeEventDeviceTime -2

These are values for the TSE field of dbCommon.

If the TSEL field refers to the TIME field of a record then recGblGetTimeStamp sets TIME equal to the time it gets from the record the TSEL references. This works for both database and channel access links. In this case field TSE is not used.


aiRecord and aoRecord: Setting eoff=egul

Instead of init_record executing code like

    if ((pai->linr == menuConvertLINEAR) && pdset->special_linconv) {
        pai->eoff = pai->egul;

It now executes:

    if ((pai->eslo==1.0) && (pai->eoff==0.0)) {
        pai->eoff = pai->egul;

aoRecord has a similar change

This was done so that old device support which does not implement special_linconv still works.

CA puts to disabled record

If a CA client issues a put to a disabled record then, when the record is ena bled, database puts to the record will not make the record process until a CA pu t is again issued. This is fixed.

TPRO - trace processing

If dbProcess is called recursively by different tasks, it did not properly handle TPRO. Consider the following database:

record(ao,"mrkao") {
    field(OUT,"mrkai CA")
record(ai,"mrkai") {

If a channel access put is sent to mrkao, no message is issued when mrkai is processed.

This is now fixed.


If in your st.cmd file you issue the command.


And set the TSE field of any record to a non zero value, then a crash will occur when recGblGetTimeStamp is called.

This is now fixed.


nsev not sevr must be checked to decide if dbPutLink should be called.


Whenever a connection is made, a request to retrieve the control, display, and alarm linits and the precision and units is automatically issued. Previously this was only done if dbCaGetAttributes was called. This it is no longer necessary to call dbCaGetAttributes.


This now returns a non zero value if the result is nan (not a number).

Record Name Length

The size of the name field has been expanded from 29 to 61, i.e. record names can now have 60 characters.


initialProcess is now called before interruptAccept. This means that initial processing will be done before periodically scanned and I/O Inter scanned records start processing.


Casts have been removed that suppressed valuable error messages


All existing manipulations of UDF in process() are removed and udf is set FALSE when the raw value is successfully read.


In do_sel udf is not set false at the beginning. If selm has an invalid value recGblSetSevr(psel,SOFT_ALARM,MAJOR_ALARM) is called.

cdCommands file

Fixed a bug and revised the use of the IOCS_APPL_TOP setting in an application's <top>/configure/CONFIG file (which specifies the path to <top> as seen by the IOC) to apply the same modifications to all paths output in the cdCommands file.


All routines with Recdes of Fielddes in their name are obsolete and removed. A new routine dbDumpField replaces dbDumpFldDes.

Changes since alpha2

All changes for release 3.13.5 that also apply to 3.14 have been made.

devAiSoftRaw and devAoSoftRaw

A new state is defined for the LINR field. The name is "SLOPE", which allows any device type to be used with manual settings of the EOFF and ESLO fields. With this setting, the device support's special_linconv() routine is only called when LINR=LINEAR.

The RTEMS TFTP remote filesystem driver now supports a limited form of the chdir() system call. One restriction is that all pathnames passed to chdir() must end in a / character, so IOC shell commands to change directories must be given as

cd ../db/

EPICS Release base 3.14.0alpha2

Since the alpha1 release some major changes were made to the build system, to some of the libCom facilities, and to the iocsh facilities.

The unbundled version of the sequencer has been build and tested with this release. You must obtain a version of the sequencer that has been built against alpha2.

A verion of the HPlanGpib support has been built and tested with this release. Again you must obtain a version that builds with alpha2.

A new update to the Application Developer's Guide is available for this release.

Build changes

Converting alpha1 applications to alpha2

Build modifications in alpha2 require the following changes to existing R3.14 applications.


GNU compiler builds are now determined by the value of EPICS_HOST_ARCH and are no longer specified in CONFIG_SITE. All references to the ANSI (ACC/GCC) and CPLUSPLUS (CCC/G++) macros have been removed.


Most of the library routines and files starting with the prefix osi have been changed to start with epics. Several also had major changes to their user interface. See the latest version of the Application Developer's Guide for details.

EPICS Release base 3.14.0alpha1 Notes

This is the first release of 3.14. This is the first release that supports iocCore on platforms besides vxWorks.

iocCore is now supported on the following platforms:

A new version of the Application Developers Guide is available. The following gives links to the new Application Developer's Guide and to RTEMS information.


Most of the Application Developer's Guide has only minor changes. The following are new.

It must be emphasized that this is an alpha release.

Building Applications