Input Output Controller (IOC)
Record Reference Manual

Janet B. Anderson and
Martin R. Kraimer
Advanced Photon Source
Issue 1: December 1, 1994 - DRAFT
Issue 1a: April 25, 1996 - DRAFT
APS Release 3.12

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Fields Common to All Record Types
Chapter 3: Fields Common to Many Record Types
Chapter 4: ai - Analog Input
Chapter 5: ao - Analog Output
Chapter 6: bi - Binary Input
Chapter 7: bo - Binary Output
Chapter 8: calc - Calculation
Chapter 9: compress - Compression
Chapter 10: dfanout Chapter 11: eg - Event Generator
Chapter 12: egevent - Event Generator Event
Chapter 13: er - Event Receiver
Chapter 14: erevent - Event Receiver Event
Chapter 15: Event
Chapter 16: Fanout
Chapter 17: Histogram
Chapter 18: longin - Long Input
Chapter 19: longout - Long Output
Chapter 20: mbbi - MultiBit Binary Input
Chapter 21: mbbo - MultiBit Binary Output
Chapter 22: mbbiDirect - MultiBit Binary Input Direct
Chapter 23: mbboDirect - MultiBit Binary Output Direct
Chapter 24: Permissive
Chapter 25: pid - PID Control
Chapter 26: pulseCounter
Chapter 27: pulseDelay
Chapter 28: pulseTrain
Chapter 29: scan
Chapter 30: sel - Select
Chapter 31: seq - Sequence
Chapter 32: State
Chapter 33: Stepper Motor
Chapter 34: stringin - String Input
Chapter 35: stringout - String Output
Chapter 36: subArray
Chapter 37: sub - Subroutine
Chapter 38: Timer
Chapter 39: Wait
Chapter 40: Waveform